Saturday, May 7, 2011

how can I make money in Saudi Arabia as an illegal immigrant?

how can I make money in Saudi Arabia as an illegal immigrant?
I have to pay a 10,000 SR fine because I overstayed my visitors visa ($2,500 US Dollars) in order to leave Saudi Arabia. However, because I am now considered an illegal immigrant no one will hire me, not even a gas station I mean litterally no one will hire me for work. So I've been stuck in saudi arabia for 2 years now and what was supposed to be a 30 day vacation has turned into a jail sentence. Anyways I want to go back to America but I have no way to get the money and the American Embassy told me that no matter what they will not give me the 10,000 to leave. So does anyone have any good ideas on how I can solve my problem.
Immigration - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Why did you pick Saudi as a vacation spot? Get your family to pay for it... I mean, if your family love you they would, wouldn't they? Otherwise.... your screwed I was born in Saudi and it is a horrible place unless you go for Haj
2 :
are you a US citizen? why in the world would you overstay your visa? especially in Saudi? most people know not to do this, i do not have any idea, do you not have anyone in the US that can loan you the money? it goes without saying that the US embassy will not give you the money, why on the beginning of your question,you are asking # how can I make money in Saudi Arabia as an illegal immigrant? # ?? you are in enough trouble now, so? be smart and do not aggravate your case even more.. PS: in this other question of yours, you are asking something totally different and you are sending money to your nephew....;_ylt=Ao1YDk27zwkOsqN.ViJaVtbty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090207043620AAfqfRe if you want to take readers for idiots? ....! your life must not be that bad, you have the internet, going on a diet, among other;_ylt=As8jhmhSrYh5jtbiyE0mJoHty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090220065853AAVeLHj
3 :
o.o I would have no idea. What have you been doing there for the past two years?! Or have you been in jail for that time? Have you tried getting a loan from an American bank?
4 :
I don't know...maybe you ought to ask the American Embassy if they will HIRE YOU as a runner or spy or something to earn that money for the fine and to get back home. Two years is a looong have you survived?? Why on earth did you overstay your visa?? How long were you in jail or is it just the circumstances?? They've got different rules over there, and I just don't know your total situation. Have any relatives that can wire you the moola??!! How about selling a Persian type rug on e-Bay for the money! Maybe you could work a deal with a seller over there to put his/her stuff on e-Bay for a commission or something. Good luck!
5 :
You are just inventing all this stuff to get on YA. Why do you do that when others are in need of genuine answers to real questions.? Sad, Sad, Sad.
6 :
maybe the king or a few of the royal family could use your "services".