Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Was Obama's Campaign Promise to "Maintain a Substantially Similar Policy on Israel" also an inconvenient lie?

Was Obama's Campaign Promise to "Maintain a Substantially Similar Policy on Israel" also an inconvenient lie?
Charles Freeman, Obama's now failed appointee to National Intelligence Council, lashes out at American jews who he claims lobbied against him but there is little evidence of serious lobbying -- just a handful of people pointing out his ties to the Saudi's who funded his Pro-Palestinian think tank and his shameful record on China. When you read the following excerpt from today's Washington Post, remember, this is the guy that Obama wanted to give access to all 14 US intelligence organizations -- making him one of the most informed men in the world and a man we would need to be able to trust with our most secret information. Whether you support or oppose Israel, this does not reveal a man who can be trusted with our national security. The Washington Post: "Referring to what he called "the Israel Lobby," he added: "The aim of this Lobby is control of the policy process through the exercise of a veto over the appointment of people who dispute the wisdom of its views." One result of this, he said, is "the inability of the American public to discuss, or the government to consider, any option for US policies in the Middle East opposed by the ruling faction in Israeli politics." Freeman's angry rhetoric notwithstanding, the controversy surrounding the former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia was broader than just Middle East politics. Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair's choice of Freeman prompted a storm of complaints about his recent commercial connections to China and questions about whether he was too forgiving of that nation's leaders. But most of the online attention focused on Freeman's work for the Middle East Policy Council, a Washington-based nonprofit organization that is funded in part by Saudi money, and his past critical statements about Israel. The latter included a 2005 speech he gave to the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations, where he referred to Israel's "high-handed and self-defeating policies" stemming from the "occupation and settlement of Arab lands," which he called "inherently violent." Only a few Jewish organizations came out publicly against Freeman's appointment, but a handful of pro-Israeli bloggers and employees of other organizations worked behind the scenes to raise concerns with members of Congress, their staffs and the media." For example, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), often described as the most influential pro-Israel lobbying group in Washington, "took no position on this matter and did not lobby the Hill on it," spokesman Josh Block said. Bamaman, Assuming Obama agrees with you, maybe he should have said this when he was running for his.
Elections - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Obama's entire campaign was a lie
2 :
Obama is the Kenyan version of Pinnochio.
3 :
Obama does not like Israel, that is a fact. It's why our government is now giving $900 million to "rebuild the gaza strip" and Hillary is running around trying to figure out how the money will not land in the hands of Hamas. Yeah right... They know it will end up in their hands. Remember though, Obama said we shouldn't worry about countries like Iran, syria and venezuela because they are "tiny countries". He later backed off on that statement when he realized how stupid it sounded. Yeah, we'll see how tiny Iran is when they have a nuke...and use it.
4 :
The Israeli lobbyist have way too much power in Washington.As long as we blindly support their terrorist activities,there will never be peace in the Middle East.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I know about a cover up of a serious case of swine flu in the UK. How do I tell the press?

I know about a cover up of a serious case of swine flu in the UK. How do I tell the press?
My uncle works at the boarding school where the outbreak's happened. It's an international school with rich kids from places like Saudi Arabia, India, China and Japan. For a few months now the school has housed 20+ cases, (students and teachers), of confirmed swine flu. The heads of departments who aren't sick, including my uncle, have decided to hush the whole thing up so they can continue receiving fees until the summer holidays. Because of this, parents have already begun flying their sick kids back home, unaware that they could be introducing swine flu into their countries. The sick people at the school are being treated by nurses who have been paid to keep the outbreak quiet. I've left the details out for obvious reasons, but I know the name and location of the school, and some rough details of the timeline of the outbreak. The only problem is, I have no evidence, apart from my mum, great aunt, and grandmother's testimony. They heard this from my uncle first hand. Do I have enough to tell the press? I don't mean the tabloid media, I mean the proper newspapers. I don't want to make any money, I'm just scared about what will happen if nobody finds out about this. If someone dies I don't want that on my conscience. But I mean, how do you actually tell the press something? Do you just ring up the newspaper or something? Plus, I'm only 17, does that mean I'll need an adult to back me up?
Other - News & Events - 1 Answers
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1 :
no adult needed: they hate the government: theyll spread it, but youll need alot of evidence

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

question about muslim islamic women woman who follow Shariah Law ?

question about muslim islamic women woman who follow Shariah Law ?
This is a follow up question from an earlier one:;_ylt=ArKZME7AZy_cvigDDCJ7hIXty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080915135302AA3Fwb1 SITUATION: 1. I am a New York State Department of Motor Vehicle's Certified Driving Instructor. a. I am forty-two b. have held this job at a driving school in Brooklyn for three years c. I have had my own license since 1982 and have a lot of experience driving d. I was an insurance investigator for seven years e. I was a police officer for seven years f. I was an executive chauffeuruffeur for three years 2. I am a native born American of Celtic ancestory who can trace his family back to Brooklyn and Tompkins County, NY for two hundred years. 3. I make my money giving driving lessons and only get paid by the lesson. I usually average thirty lessons a week but need to average fifty. 4. My students are please with my service. Regardless of gender or demographic I behave the same way. I only discuss the students driving during the lesson. No other concern at all is ever discussed. I never inititate physical contact ever. Even with men and even a handshake. I wait until it is offered. Most people request me after having one lesson. 5. Many Muslim women come to our school for lessons. Some will accept me as an instructor with no issues. In fact there is on student, a very observant muslim teenage girl who's uncle is a well known buisness man in the area who has no issue with me teaching his niece. However, some flat out refuse to have a male instructor. The women instructors at the school left. The owner is a female. She acquieces to instruct these women yet she would prefer not to. There is an arab owned school that has a female instructor. The rumor is she is not properly certified and regardless she can not handle to job so the muslim women dislike her. There is a male instructor who teaches with some woman as a chaperone but he has a bad reputation because he gets to emotional and can not handle to job. PROBLEM: I would like to teach these women to drive without them violating Shariah Law. In general, most religeons make allowances and exceptions for pretty much everything except blashphemy of the diety. Moreover, these women are not hard core (for lack of a better word) they wear head scarves but not the Burkha's with a slit for the eyes. And they are driving in the first place whereas in places like Saudi Arabia they can not. It seems as if the intent behind the islamic prohibition on unmarried men and women being alone together is to avoid one thing leading to another it turning into some type of sexual encounter. On a certain level I can understand that because in other situations when I was left alone with a female (not working this job) one thing leads to another...and in this job I have had women start touvhing me, flirting or even ask me out. MY PROPOSED SOLUTION: Having a chaperone is not a viable option since she would have to get paid and the student charged more. What if the school organized the lessons so that I would never be alone with one woman. They would set up a three hour group lesson with three women. It would build team spirit and cammraderie and all that and reinforce the lessons through observation. I would stagger the lessons so each student drove for twenty minutes then observed for forty minutes. Would such a situation be compliant with Shariah Law ? If you can please suppport your answer with any relevant sections of the Quaran. Further, in Brooklyn, name up to five major (by # of adherents) sects of islam and the name and address of the leader(s). SUMMARY: Driving is regulated by state dmv's and is separate from any religeon. However, driving schools are private buisnesses and private buisnesses have to take cultural and social considerations into play. Part of the culture of America is our ingenuity and inability to give up so I am going to figure out how to make the above work and approach the proper religeous authorities to write a letter on my behalf which will certify me to provide this service to islamic women. PLEASE COMMENT ON MY IDEA POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE AND IF YOU HAVE ANY OTHER SOLTIONS PLEASE POST THEM. THANK YOU. Thank you and peace to all.
Religion & Spirituality - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
How about just making them take off the beekeeper outfit and take the class like everyone else has to. This is the United States, not Saudi Arabia.
2 :
As admirable as your intentions are....they may be against the law. If you specify "Islamic Woman" as you did above, you're discriminating against "sex" & "religion"......(men & women in general and Islamic men specifically and certainly other religious affiliations).
3 :
It seems to me, though admittedly I'm not muslim and do not know the rules, that the student could bring a chaperone with them (a relative or whatever). That chaperone would then not have to be paid. They could just sit in the back seat. If they were already licensed to drive they could not be accused of getting free driving lessons either, as they'd not need them. Tiki...I don't think it would violate the law if anyone who felt uncomfortable alone (for whatever reason) was allowed an already licensed chaperone.
4 :
Well, of course it is ok. The ones who oppose this are backwards people that blow everything, religious or non-religious out of proprotion. Islam well permits things which are otherwise even HARAM to be done as necessary for survival. I don't see the harm in them taking driving lessons from a man,
5 :
Sorry dude, but user "walls of jericho" said it all in a nut shell. This is still America. Do you think that if you a non-muslim (American) lived in a muslim land like Saudi Arabia, would they allow your wife to drive. Nope!
6 :
maxf736's idea is great.... have them bring a family member along too. our driver's ed was exactly as you're stating, with 2 or 3 kids at once, observed for 1/3 of the time, and we were usually out for around 3 hours. but, it wasn't for religious reasons, it was becuase there was 30 kids in the class, and one instructor. that way he could be done with exams in less than two weeks. ;) good luck, and good for you for caring how these girls feel. ;) BB )O( STB
7 :
Your solution is viable though having them bring a family member along would work well too. This question is based on travel to and from the hajj pilgrimage but I think that hadeeths may be extended to your situation.
8 :
Actually its based on the fact that .. a muslim woman shouldnt be alone with a non mehrum (out of family) man .. So the easiest solution is to ask them to bring someone along who can sit in the car with them .. u can put them on the backseat and blindfold them if u want :P but thats the only obvious solution. A group of women together .. i dont think it would make a difference :) Another thing u Could do is have a woman join u (as in be partners) .. u can instruct the male memebers .. and she can instruct the females :) Edit: I agree with Maxf736
9 :
A group lesson would be fine. A Muslim woman is not allowed to be left ALONE with a man who isn't a direct family member. A woman driving isn't haram , they aren't allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia for different reasons. The Burkha isn't a must, the head scarf is. PS: thanks for the 10 points
10 :
Hats off to you 4 being so considerate of people's feelings..........i really wish i cud give u the correct solution but cant......... since my knowledge of the matter is limited and ........Islam doesnt allow wishful additions or subtractions in the religion............i hope & pray that u find the perfect solution soon ...............may ppl like u increase in the world....and.....may u find guidance & rewards 4m Almighty........Ameen.
11 :
You know how Niqab came to Islam. One day Umer, the second Khalifah saw Prophet Mohammed's wives Shitting and Farting.He found the stench unbearable.He went and complained to Prophet Mohammed.The result---niqab.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

What political party am I?

What political party am I?
I recently became interested in American politics since I am growing up, and looking to maybe transfer into political science. Since I am knew at this I do not know what I am, can you categorize me so that I know what political party I am? Economics: I do not believe in trickle down theory, I oppose it. 2% should not be in charge of 98%. The money then stays at the top and barely trickles. So the wealth should be spread. And bonuses for high wages should at most equal to half of the persons salary, no more $25 million bonuses. Government: I believe in lots of rules and regulations, with very clear guideline. The taxes on the wealthy should be heavy, and for god sake, so should the major corporations. Education: We should be giving schools more money, not cutting the teaching force! Previous generations have screwed the up and coming, there is no reason they should have less opportunity then anyone else. Religion: I am a devout Catholic, but lets be real here... complete separation of church and state! There should be no politician out there that believes in creationism, for lack of a better term, thats absolutely ludicrous. Environment: America should go green, and really make a better initiative to. Costa Rica is 100% fuel independent, there is no reason we cannot get a high number of independence. We need to back away from these mass murdering dictatorships who have oil. If Saudi Arabia had an uprising, we would be there killing them off in a matter of seconds. We need to up our domestic drilling, especially where we have oil like in Alaska. Abortion: Please ladies abort away, clumps of cells are not human, i scratch them off my skin every day. Teen pregnancy is on the rise because girls are keeping these bastard children. This only leads to poverty and more and more working class workers rather then people looking to achieve something. And with the school situation who would even want to bring a child into a low income area. More economics: Let me embellish on spreading the wealth. Lets raise minimum wage to $10 an hour, and build our working class up so that we don't outsource. Outsourcing should be taxed like crazy, because as of right now companies are not taxed on products in different countries, lets tax them no matter where they make their money. How about this, for every 1 outsourced factory, they need to build 4 American ones. We give away jobs to immigrants meanwhile our unemployment is through the roof, although we are rebounding. Please let me know what this falls into, I would greatly appreciate it! =]
Politics - 14 Answers
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1 :
Socialist. Green Party
2 :
If you never joined one, you're not in one.
3 :
It doesn't matter. Pick a party if you have to register by one in your state. Otherwise, be an Independent.
4 :
You are a flaming liberal
5 :
Nazi party
6 :
If you are unsure, you are definitely a Liberal. Your responses are typical of Secular Socialists.....congrats on the indoctrination, oops, I mean education you're getting.
7 :
How are you a devout Catholic but advocate women having abortions? Aren't those contradicting? Did your parents poison you with MSNBC and CNN every night around dinner time?
8 :
You are a full blown communist because over regulation and extreme taxation is no different from nationalization. You would do quite well as the dictator of Cuba. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
9 :
Stanley said: How are you a devout Catholic but advocate women having abortions? Aren't those contradicting? _____________________________________________ The liberal agenda is filled with hypocrisy. 1)Save killers, kill babies. 2)Tax to death the rich - except the richest democrats and give to the poor (except out of their liberal pockets), 3) save the environment and don't allow drilling for oil in our own land - then cry that we're dependent on other oil rich nations. 4) hates corporations and their outsourcing to other countries - love the unions that drove those corporations out of the U.S. 5) shall I go on and on?
10 :
You're a brainwashed, ego-maniacal, naive, Socialist/Green party.. This could be a very well thought out Joke Costa Rica is the not even half the size of my state.
11 :
liberal ......., well do ur homework otherwise these conservatives will eat u..loll
12 :
Which political party, hmm? You'd probably fall in line with the Socialist Party, but if you're trying to choose which of the two big parties to join, the Democrats.
13 :
You sound like an independent voter to me, Unfortunately no political party has a platform in line with Catholic moral and social teaching. The Catholic Church is pro-life in the widest sense. This is often called a "Consistent Ethic of Life." This pro-life stance stresses the highest regard for dignity of human life including that of: • All people in objecting to unjust war and nuclear arms. (closer to Democratic platform) • The unborn in objecting to to abortion, in vitro fertilization, frozen embryos, embryonic stem cell research, and cloning (closer to Republican platform) • The elderly, sick and dying in objecting to assisted suicide and euthanasia (closer to Republican platform) • Prisoners in objecting to the death penalty (closer to Democratic platform) • The poor and minorities in supporting social justice issues (closer to Democratic platform) Some Catholics are enthusiastically anti-abortion and align themselves with the Republican party. Some Catholics align themselves with the Democratic party which supports the "Catholic" issues that effect the most people. Neither party follows all Catholic teachings. For more information, see "Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: A Call to Political Responsibility" And the Catechism of the Catholic Church, sections 2259 and following: With love in Christ.
14 :
You are a Democrat and a liberal Catholic, you should know as a Catholic ,that it is a sin to kill. How did you get on this earth---you too was in your mother's womb!