Sunday, July 28, 2013


I need your vote: to keep in touch w/ evil folks who abused my parents or not. My parents and rest of the family don't get along. Including grandparents, they cursed, beat, and alienated my parents. They don't talk to each other but kid generation (cousins, me, my bro) were not involved. Later, grandma was in Vegas (without telling our family) when she fell, hit her head and became a veggie after flying back to Asia. She is still in coma in Asia. Grandpa recently got a heart surgery. When my parents wanted to do their duty and sent them allowance $, they rejected it. Since then, they do not talk. My father with diabetes almost passed out from the experience. I have never seen my father so mad and sad. I understand if he wants to never see his parents nor siblings ever again. My parents moved to another country to earn money to pay back all the gambling debt which my grandma accrued and when my grandpa's biz bankrupted. My 2nd aunt grabbed my mom by the hair, threw her on the ground, beat & kicked her while calling her names while she was holding me when I was a newborn baby. My grandma forced my mom to work work work while my dad was away for a year or two in Saudi Arabia to make $ to pay for family debt which I mentioned (my mom eventually moved to Arabia where my brother was born). I got in touch w/ a younger cousin on facebook and grandpa happened to walk by. Grandpa & I talked over the phone a bit. Grandpa wanted my dad to call him. I talked to mom what happened. She was furious that I talked to grandpa. She canceled our dinner plans and doesn't want me to contact her for awhile. She said she is offended that I disregarded their (my parent's) feelings and experience. She said I shouldn't have been involved and I am forcing them to re-live their nightmare. Now I know not to talk to my parents about relatives. Now that I cannot un-ring the bell, I am screwed and only can wish my mom would forgive me. But for the future, I am planning to visit Asia and visit relatives. I do plan to keep in touch w/ folks there. I wanted your opinion if I should respect my parents' feelings and not keep in touch with relatives or I should secretly keep in touch with them. Well, telling them as in my parents? I won't tell them because when I told my mother, she got mad and now she won't talk to me. But should I keep in touch w/ folks in Asia?
Family - 2 Answers
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1 :
just tell them
2 :
...It's like..chaos O___O; ANYWAYS, yes! You should keep in touch with folks in Asia.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Should there be a Constitutional Amendment preventing Presidents from borrowing money overseas...?

Should there be a Constitutional Amendment preventing Presidents from borrowing money overseas...?
from other countries to try to make up for budget deficits? I think Bush should be impeached for begging for money from the Red Chinese, the Russians (both our sworn enemies) and Saudi Arabia - the country where the 911 bombers came from and who we know still give money to radical Islam. Could such a Bill be written and passed? It should be written and passed right alongside an Amendment requiring a balanced budget be passed every year, just like Newt wanted! Every new expense has to be paid for with a tax - if no one wants to pay the tax then it must not be worth doing. It should be written and passed right alongside an Amendment requiring a balanced budget be passed every year, just like Newt wanted! Every new expense has to be paid for with a tax - if no one wants to pay the tax then it must not be worth doing.
Government - 3 Answers
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Write your congressman/woman
2 :
"the Russians (both our sworn enemies)" The Russian Federation and the Soviet Union are two different states, one now defunct if you were around in 1991. "who we know still give money to radical Islam" And Americans give money to radical groups like the Roman Catholic Church!
3 :
asking for money from another county is something that should be voted on by the people each time,at least then if we screwed up our economy we could only blame ourselves.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

What happens to the non-Saudi wife of a Saudi man if he dies?

What happens to the non-Saudi wife of a Saudi man if he dies?
If a Saudi man and his American wife are living in Saudi Arabia and he dies, what happens to the wife? Is she deported back to her country? Does it make a difference if they have kids together? Who becomes the legal guardian of the kids? Does she or his male relatives? By legal guardian, I mean to make all of the decisions regarding where they will live, where they will go to school, how to manage their money, whether they can leave the country etc. My intention is to live in Saudi Arabia as I want my kids to be raised there, but I in case I want to travel with my kids or move somewhere for whatever reason, I'd like to be able to do so.
Saudi Arabia - 11 Answers
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the American wife still has her USA constitutional rights to return to the states but bringing the children may be difficult. The wife became part of his family by marriage and his male relatives will have a lot of control regarding the children and their future. It's complicated because as an American citizen (assumably) she has physical custody of the children.but by Sharia law, the children can be with her until their 6th birthday after that they are suppose to be with their father. In this situation i really don't know, but I'm sure the male relatives will make the final decision Allah Hafiz
2 :
I wish I could answer this but it sounds like the woman will need a lawyer
3 :
well hopefully my son if he is of age.. (who holds dual citizenship) will be my legal mahram,, the person who can legally do things for me if (Allah forbid) my husband passes away.. Although I am on excellent standing in his family,, Im sure any of his brothers would help me to the utmost of their abilities if something did happen... Also Chal if you are here and married for 10years you can if you so decide to get Saudi citizen ship (and keep your American citizenship).. I know many sisters who have chosen this route... That way you will be covered in all aspects and have the right to his property, home, assets etc if he does pass away...
4 :
this is a legal question that will really differ from family to family i am sure you will hear sad stories of both sides, saudi side got the custody of kids by force, or foreign side disappeared in a blue moon with the kids for good .. irregardless of the legal aspect, what's more important is the husband and family itself .. if they are understanding and supportive .. everything will be fine .. i know a case that is the mother is european, got divorced, and the girl is living with her mother another case, that the mother is syrian (or egyptian), but are living in their home country with the kids after their husbands died however, if the family is aggressive or insist on getting the kids, things can get complex enough .. also, there are the different possibilities, where to spend on kids? self employed? enough savings? at each situation, what will be ? it is a place where social cultrue might play a role, may be more important than the legal strutcture .. this why, here many guys (and girls) like to meet the spouse parents, before deciding on marriage. we say, here you marry a family, not a person. lol of course, if the family is tough, not understanding or anything of that sort, it is not the end of world, but one should be really diplomatic, smart and 'alert'. and this system has both good and bad impact.
5 :
She would be here legally until her iqama expires. When that happens, she'd have to find a new sponsor, either her child or a new husband. Otherwise, she can stay illegally or go home. What happens to the kids...I think that really depends on your relationship with your in-laws. Either they can/will take them, or help you be able to raise your kids. Your kids would need their grandfather's permission to leave Saudi Arabia. So, if you want to move your family back to America, then you need the support of your in-laws. Your question doesn't really have any clear answer because everything depends on the family. Edit: Tahirah - First of all, my kids will be Saudi because their father is Saudi, and they will be born in KSA. Second of all, if my husband dies, I will get a 'dime'. His company will continue paying his salary to his widowed wife, which is me. It doesn't matter that I'm not Saudi. Also, I have a bank card for his account, so I could go and take all of OUR money any day I want. And, finally, I will not leave my kids EVER! I don't honestly think my in-laws would ever expect me to either. Edit: I know that being born here means nothing because there are families who've lived here for generations who don't have Saudi citizenship. I believe that if the father is Saudi, then the kids will be given a Saudi passport/Saudi citizenship. I have heard of couples (american woman, saudi man) living in America who got the Saudi citizenship for their baby. Why would they have to be 10 years old and living here the whole time before being Saudi when they are Saudi??? American websites probably aren't the most reliable concerning Saudi Arabia, but it says here that, "Children of Saudi fathers automatically acquire Saudi citizenship at birth, regardless of where the child was born." If the mother is Saudi and the father is not Saudi, then the children are NOT automatically given Saudi citizenship.
6 :
By all accounts she has no rights. what i have read IN THE NEWS
7 :
Again " Dog's Barking will not hurt the Sky" you know what i mean
8 :
First of all, you should know that non-Saudis intending to live in Saudi Arabia should be sponsored by either Saudi individuals or organizations. As for the non-Saudi women married to Saudis, they should be sponsored by their husbands. In case the husband dies leaving no kids behind, the wife will have to leave the country. However, having kids makes a difference! The wife acquires the rights of raising her kids & taking decisions in their life, & will be sponsored by a first-class male relative, as long as she decides to live in Saudi. In case she wants to take the kids live somewhere else than Saudi, she will have to get it approved by the kids` relative since they are Saudi minors. Otherwise, the court will have to resolve such a dispute.
9 :
if you husabn dies you dont get a dime ..your kids are dot considerd saudi arabian unles they have ive their until they were 18 .. the wife should leave and the kids ...and she has no right to any of her husbans money
10 :
The Saudi Company where her husband worked will pay half of his salary to the wife and her children. Normally the daughter goes into the custody of the father in law if he is still alive at 7 years old and the son can choose who he wants to live with at the age of 9. If the father in law is dead then the oldest brother gets custody of the children. In Saudi, Saudi citizenship precedes all other forms of citizenship including American. No she is not deported back to her country. The Saudi Government is obligated to pay for her living expenses and food costs as long as she remains in Saudi Arabia. If the mother agrees not to ever get married again she retains custody. If she gets married again then her child custody rights are thrown out the window. EDIT:Saudis don't get citizenship if they are born in the country. They get citizenship after they have lived in Saudi Arabia for 10 years. Forgein women get Saudi Citizenship if they have lived in Saudi for 5 years and have a couple of babies in Saudi Arabia. The USA is the ONLY Country in the world that gives you automatic citizenship at birth.
11 :
The guardian is a male relative if the kids are underage. If not, then the oldest son is the guardian. If you have been married for more that 5 years and your kids are Saudi then you have rights. You have the same rights as a Saudi woman.

Monday, July 1, 2013

how does this make you feel??

how does this make you feel??
WHERE TO BUY AMERICAN GASOLINE. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW. READ ON. Gas rationing in the 70's worked even though we grumbled about it. It might even have been good for us! Are you aware that the Saudis are boycotting American products? Shouldn't we return the favor? Can't we take control of our own destiny and let these giant oil importers know who REALLY generates their profits, their livings? How about leaving American Dollars in America and reduce th e import/export deficit? An appealing remedy might be to boycott their GAS. Every time you fill up your car you can avoid putting more money into the coffers of Saudi Arabia . Just purchase gas from companies that don't import their oil from the Saudis. Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling that every time I fill up my tank, I'm sending my money to people who I get the impression want me, my family and my friends dead. Don't you think it might be of interest to know which oil companies import Middle Eastern oil and which do not? These companies import Middle Eastern oil: Shell..................................... 205,742,000 barrels Chevron/Texaco................... 144,332,000 barrels Exxon /Mobil....................... 130,082,000 barrels Marathon/Speedway............. 117,740,000 barrels Amoco................................... 62,231,000 barrels And CITGO oil is imported from Venezuela by Dictator Hugo Chavez who hates America and openly avows our economic destruction! (We pay Chavez's regime nearly $10 Billion per year in oil revenues!) The U.S.. currently imports 5,517,000 barrels of crude oil per day from OPEC. If you do the math at $95 per barrel, that's over $524 million PER DAY ($191 BILLION per year!) handed over to OPEC, many of whose members are our confirmed enemies!!!!! Here are some large companies that do not import Middle Eastern oil: Sunoco....................... 0 barrels Conoco....................... 0 barrels Sinclair...................... 0 barrels BP / Phillips................ 0 barrels Hess. ......................... 0 barrels ARC0 ......................... 0 barrels Maverick...................... 0 barrels Flying J. ...................... 0 barrels Valero............................ 0 barrels $BO)(B I AM GOING TO ADD THE FOLLOWING... J Murphy Oil USA sold at Wal-Mart is from South Arkansas and owned USA Not only that they give scholarships to all children in their town who finish high school and are legal US citizens. All of this information is available from the U.S. Department of Energy and each company is required to state where they get their oil and how much they are importing. But to have a real impact, we need to reach literally millions of gas buyers. With the help of the internet, it's really simple to do. Now, don't wimp out at this point....keep reading and I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!! I'm sending this note to about thirty people. If each of you send it to at only ten more (30 x 10 = 300)....and those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000)....and so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth generation of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers!!!!!!! If those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends each, then 30 million people will have been contacted! If it goes one level further, you guessed it....THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE-the entire population of the United States of America !!!! It doesn't matter how old this information is, when the situations are the same or much worse. You are not wrong Texas Underdog, nor are you right, we all know there is always a way around every law ever written. The info I have given here is still good. Baptism By Fire, Thank you so much for the additional details. That is such a big help.
Economics - 6 Answers
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1 :
That is so awesome and informative! I was riding around today with my 2 daughters and my 12 year old cousin and we were all laughing and giggling and I was so distracted an p!#$ed at the GAS PRICES and I casually passed station after station trying to decide where to spend my allocated $20 Friday gas money... that used to fill UP the Rav-4 and now doesn't even give me a 3rd of a tank!!! Thank you. I am printing the list and giving it to my huge family and loads of friends. This has got to stop. Thank you! I am also posting it on my myspace page as a blog. Props and credits to you. Peace. I can email you the link if you wanna show off. HA!
2 :
The answer is in corporate greed that is soulless and uncaring, unless some money is at stake. There will have to be a complete and persistent shift in social behavior before this excess will subside.
3 :
Thank you for getting the word out, I remember the gas lines and the odd and even days that we could fill up. I have all but parked my car...The rich get rich and the poor get poorer, sad situation. This is still the greatest Country in the world, but we are getting worked over...big time... Appreciate it and thanks for getting it out there..I for one and my contacts are on it......thank you K
4 :
I AGREE WE SHOULD BY U.S.A. PRODUCTS ALL THE WAY AROUND. HOWEVER EVEN A BIGGER STEP WE CAN TAKE IS MAYBE PARK OUR GASOLINE DEPENDENT VEHICLES AND START GOING PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION, RIDE A BICYCLE, WALK, AND DO IT THROUGH THE SUMMER MONTHS AND SEE IF THAT MAY CHANGE THE HEARTBEAT OF THE OPEC AND OIL COMPANIES. WHEN RESEARCHING YOUR POST HERE IS WHAT I FOUND ON TRUTHORFICTION.COM. AS IT HAS BEEN GOING ON SINCE AFTER SEPT. 11, 2001 AND HAD TO DO AT THAT TIME WITH TERRORISM FUNDING. Boycott The Oil Companies Buying Middle Eastern Oil and We'll Stop Funding Terrorism and Keep the Gas Prices down-Truth! & Fiction! Summary of the eRumor This message lists several oil companies and how much Middle Eastern oil they buy. It encourages us to stop buying from the companies that buy from the Middle East because that will reduce the support of terrorism. It also suggests that in May of 2001, there was a successful grass-roots effort to drive down gas prices by boycotting certain companies. The Truth There are several issues in this eRumor. First, does the purchase of Middle Eastern oil help terrorism. There are varying voices on that. Some say that since Osama Bin Laden's family made its money mostly from construction and that Bin Laden has been estranged from the family for quite a while, there isn't any direct link. Others say that oil purchased from countries like Iraq goes directly toward support of terrorism and that profits for other countries, such as Saudi Arabia, indirectly aid terrorism because of wealthy Saudis who are said to help finance people like Osama Bin Laden. Second, what oil companies buy Middle Eastern oil? We were able to secure the statistics from the U.S. Department of Energy for various oil companies for calendar Year 2000: Shell purchased 3,611,000 barrels from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia BP purchased none from the Middle East. Chevron purchased 14,724,000 from the Middle East. Citgo-None from the Middle East. Amoco purchased 3,611,000 barrels from the Middle East. Exxon-Mobil combined purchased 13,273,000 barrels from the Middle East. Marathon purchased 10,710,000 in Middle Eastern oil. Sunoco purchased none from the Middle East. Conoco purchased 523,000 from the Middle East. Sinclair-We didn't find any figures. Phillips-We didn't find any Middle Eastern purchases. Third, was there a successful boycott in 2001? Not really. There have been several emails circulated from time to time that encourage a day or a week of avoiding buying gas, but there's never been any evidence that we're aware of that they had had any impact on gas prices. There is one version of this eRumor that adopts some information from another popular eRumor and claims that gas is projected to rise to $3 per gallon by the summer of 2002. The Energy Department forecast, however, is for a high of $1.60 per gallon. We have not found any forecasts for $3 per gallon. Last updated 3/23/03 A real example of the eRumor as it has appeared on the Internet: Yisrael Medad of the Begin Center sent the following information. Every time you fill up the car, you can avoid putting more money into the coffers of Saudi Arabia. Just buy from gas companies that don't import their oil from the Saudis. Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling that every time I fill-up the tank, I am sending my money to people who are trying to kill me, my family, and my friends. I thought it might be interesting for you to know which oil companies are the best to buy gas from. Major companies that import Middle Eastern oil (for the period 9/1/00 -8/31/01). Shell 205,742,000 barrels Chevron/Texaco 144,332,000 barrels Exxon/Mobil 130,082,000 barrels Marathon 117,740,000 barrels Amoco 62,231,000 barrels If you do the math at $30/barrel, these imports amount to over $18 BILLION! Here are some large companies that do not import Middle Eastern oil: Citgo 0 barrels Sunoco 0 Conoco 0 Sinclair 0 BP/Phillips 0 All of this information is available from the Department of Energy and can be easily documented. Refineries located in the U.S. are required to state where they get their oil and how much they are importing. They report on a monthly basis. Keep this list in your car; share it with friends. Stop paying for terrorism DO YOU REMEMBER LAST MAY, WHEN GAS PRICES WERE THREATENING TO GO TO $2.00 PER GALLON. I ACTUALLY PAID $2.05 PER GALLON IN OHIO. WELL, THEY ARE TRYING TO DO IT AGAIN. WE E-MAILED EVERYONE IN OUR ADDRESS BOOKS, AND ASKED EVERYONE ELSE TO DO THE SAME. WITHIN DAYS, AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT, MILLIONS OF PEOPLE GOT THE MESSAGE, AND GUESS WHAT? MYSTERIOUSLY, GAS PRICES WENT DOWN. ECONOMICS - JUST BUY FROM THE OTHER FOUR OR FIVE COMPANIES WHO DON'T BUY OIL FROM THE MODEST TERRORIST SUPPORTING COUNTRIES. THEN WE DO BUY FROM THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES WHO DO NOT BUY MID EAST OIL. Citgo 0 barrels Sunoco 0 Conoco 0 Sinclair 0 BP/Phillips 0 IT IS YOUR MONEY! SPEND IT WISELY! JUST SAY NO TO MID EASTERN COUNTRIES WHO SUPPORT TERRORISM! WE SENT THIS OUT MAY OF 2001. AND IT WORKED!!! We need to do whatever we can, and do it NOW!!!! PLEASE HOLD OUT UNTIL THEY LOWER THEIR PRICES TO BELOW $1.28 - $1.29 AND KEEP THEM DOWN. THIS CAN REALLY WORK! If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention UNITED WE STAND!!! ~ AMERICAN ECONOMICS IN ACTION!!!~
5 :
How old are these figures? And, don't oil companies buy oil from each other when they need to? Just because a company doesn't buy directly from the Middle East, doesn't mean that the gas you put in your vehicle did not originate from there. Am I wrong on this? ======================================
6 :
Green Greed :)~