Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Do you think AE, hollister, and abercrombie are expensive?

Do you think AE, hollister, and abercrombie are expensive?
i find them a little on the expensive side. why would you want to pay $40 for a shirt!? i can't really afford that [im 13, and i hate taking money from people, so i usually have some kind of job to make money.] i'm a bargain hunter, haha. What are your thoughts on their prices?
Fashion & Accessories - 21 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
sometimes you can find good deals in the clearance area of hollister or american eagle, but abercrombie is reallly over priced
2 :
i mean they r kinda of expensive but i mean they r made out of good quaility material but i usely only by the things that r on sale at those stores
3 :
yeah, i do think that they over price it. but if you do find good deal sometimes and when you do, the material is really nice.
4 :
omg i like love ae, abercrombie and hollister. I'm 13 too. how come your parents dont pay for it. i dont thik its expensive at all. sometimes i have to pay for my own clothes s i just babysit or w/e... they also have some good sales at time. i love those stores.
5 :
Yes, they are pricey. There is nothing wrong w/being a frugal shopper. I always hit the sale & clearance racks first.
6 :
I find them a little expensive too but I only shop at Hollister and sometimes at AE, Abercrombie stuff is way too expensive so I dont shop there, their clothes are almost the same anyway!.
7 :
abercrombie way overpriced ae ok priced some stuff there is overpriced hollister too expensive but u can find really cheap stuff in they're clearence
8 :
ah honestly i don'tt think they are expensive.but i do agree that forty dollars for a shirt is a bit redic. hollister and american eagle are fairly cheep for the good quality. i love their clothes.i only buy jackets, sweaters, and jeans at abercrombie and fitch. it all depends on what you buy. and all three normally have nice sales:)
9 :
way too expensive i cant afford to blow 300 dollars on a sweatshirt, a pair of jeans, and 2 shirts i never shop there and i hate those stores so muchh
10 :
yes if you don't get things on sale, they are very expensive for a 13 year old (im 13, too) but i have found some really good sales at ae and hollister. i got a shirt for 6.50 at ae!!! its really cute, too! and i found some tshirts and sweaters for $10.00!
11 :
finally a normal 13 yr old girl. Your so right. It IS expensive but buying a piece fro,m there everynow and ten and weaving it into ur wadrobe is how u make it seem like its something u wud wer al th ttime like ur too good for it almost pairing it w/ stylish tops and jeans.<3
12 :
Hey. I DO think those stores are overpriced! Finally someone agrees with me! :) Anyways, I LOVE Aerpostale, but I usually only shop on clearance. They have tons of cute stuff in Aeropostale on the clearance racks!
13 :
well i love saving money at expensive stores to but it matters what you buy i think there tshirts, most of there knits, khaki's and sweaters are pretty good when it comes to price but i can't believe there jeans! 50$ for a pair of plain jeans! i only get mine from ae because there so much cheaper, hollister and a&f totes are way to expensive and lastly the hoodies at hco and a&f are ridiculous 50$ for a plain hoodie? hoc-- jeans, totes and hoodies are way overpriced abercrombie-- hoodies, jeans, totes, some jackets and some knits are way over priced ae-- perfect most of there things are good and totally worth the cash there usually 10$ cheaper and there quality (exspecally in hoodies and jeans) are way better!
14 :
Same here, I think its overpriced...and the style is not that great. It's all the same thing. i'd rather pay $5-15 for a top I know I look amazing in rather than $40 for something I look horrible in and look like a robot
15 :
abercrombie is by far the most expensive. and the clothes are cheaply made with poor fabric so they wont last. hollister is expensive, but their clothes arent made with cheap fabric and the same with ae.
16 :
Abercombie is the most expensive, i never shop there. Hollister is less expensive and has some good deals sometimes, but you need to look for it. AE is the cheapest out of all of them and they usually have good sales. Like just this past week they had a buy one top get one 50% off. Stuff like that really drops the price. So i would say go to hollister and AE but stay away from abercombie, because it is severley over priced.
17 :
i think that they are lil bit over! I get the stuff on sale and that was like a short and a t shirt lol! If they had their shirts for like 15-30 dollars i would get a bit more! Answer mine!;_ylt=AlAWiAAYfbyKgHqGlX4dILgazKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080928082939AAgHytq
18 :
yes they really are everytime that i go to AE hollister and abercombie i always go to the clearance lol because if you dont get the stuff on cleareance it is a ridicous amout i am the same as you actually i dont like spending 40$$ on a top i mean you only wear it for like a couples months or a year you can get some really cheap things at like gargage stiches etc...... or even AE hollister and abercobie on there sale racks.
19 :
Yes! I totally agree! I mean, their stuff is cute usually but it is way overpriced. The shirts at Hollister are so thin and their flip-flops are poorly made. Pretty bad if you ask me... $40 for a flimsy shirt that is just advertising the store you got it from...?!
20 :
heck yes!
21 :
They aren't expensive at all! I bought 9 tee shirts and 1 pair of jeans, all for just $160. Granted, it was in the clearance section, but still, it's not like anyone cares.