Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How do I save up my money?

How do I save up my money?
I'm 12 years old and going into 7th grade this year. My mom is only giving me $200, my grandma is giving me $100, and I'm getting another $200 for my birthday. I want to save up all my money for school. Since I shop at Hollister, AE, Abercrombie, etc, $500 isn't that much. My grandmother is watching me and my sister, 4 days a week every day this summer. She told me if I don't fight with her, she'll give me $1 each day. I'm pretty sure this will add up. I'm also getting $50 for getting straight A's on my report card. I want to save up my money to about $700 for school. Any ideas on how to save & make money??
Personal Finance - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
OPen a savings account t the local bank. Put the money in and forget about it.
2 :
I'm the exact same age as you and shop in the same places so I know how it feels to be pressured by money. A way that I've been saving my money is by putting all of my loose change into a jar. At first it doesn't seem like that much, but believe me it adds up. Hope I helped and have fun Shopping ♥
3 :
It is great you want to save money, but why do you want to pay too much for clothes? Just because they have a "name" does not make them any better - they just advertise more and you are paying for that. If you go to Goodwill and Salvation Army stores, you can find these name brands for $4.50 for jeans and shirts!