Sunday, October 28, 2012

now that these terrorists are our enemies we don't ask Saudi Arabia to inform them that Allah didn't....?

now that these terrorists are our enemies we don't ask Saudi Arabia to inform them that Allah didn't....?
defeat soviet union but their money and the support of USA and its allies did the job!! why saudis and USA don't tell them on how they were used and manipulated in order to make the rich richer, and that communism would have disturbed that goal and etc! tell them the truth! they were and still are under assumption that Allah did it . that is what USA wanted them to think! right? it wouldn't hurt us much if we really want to defeat these terrorists but it sure will get the air out of these terrorists! let them know about your brainwashing techniques!
Military - 10 Answers
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1 :
And your question is.....?
2 :
arabs can be pretty crazy sometimes just dont worry about it man, i really dont care if a few thousand people die in a bombing so why should you
3 :
Watch the Sunday morning evangelists telling Americans that their riches come from God, and how God made America great It's the same in every country, radicals and others America is brainwashed as much as your terrorists, they are a little more subtle You send your young to die, they send their young to die You call theirs suicide bombers, yours heroes, but the bottom line is the same. Death
4 :
Dude; go to bed
5 :
If you gonna ask, please actually ask. ;)
6 :
And now....a message from our sponsor.
7 :
What makes you think they listen to Saudi Arabia??
8 :
Saudi, our good friends, the home of schools filled with boys learning two Allah and Hate Americans. It is said that these schools have been closed, but there is some indication they still exist. They were the breeding ground of terrorists. The Sheiks and Mullahs in Saudi and other rich Middle Eastern countries do not share truths with the tribes. Their people are kept desperately poor, while the "royal class" enjoy luxuries. After Desert Storm, I hear that the first thing Americans did is install new gold faucets for the reigning leader. This may or may not be true, but it illustrates the difference between the poor and the rich in these countries. They are kept poor and uneducated and wouldn't understand truth if they heard it, thanks to the stern religious code they live by.
9 :
Most of these terrorist have strong believes in their god but I also have to say that they are not dumb. They have logic too and are able to analyze and assess their goals the way CIA does theirs too. This is not to say I'm supporting them. I despise tactics of terrorism. The problem with your question is that it gives an impression that Saudi Arabia is a good country that hates terrorism when in fact it is the country of origin for majority of the terrorist and when in fact most of their financial resources are well tunneled and hidden in Saudi financial institutions.
10 :
when the huge dam breaks at musal,iraq,the amount of water will reach saudi arabia

Sunday, October 14, 2012

How do we make WorldCup less boring?

How do we make WorldCup less boring?
Before today's semifinal crowds of people gathered in front of street screens, in the pubs or clubs to watch the event. After the hour of play most walked away-I guess people on the stadium stayed only because they already paid lots of money for this criminally overpriced event and felt trapped. But I would not blame the football in general, nor would i say that game is in crisis worldwide-recent Copa America, Champions league matches, different national regshave been entertaining and productive. So something is wrong with World Cup structure what turns the whole event into the penalty shot out championsheap, for more then decade already since 1990... What do you think can be done to save the World Cup? Any ideas how tor reform the tournament?May be best idea world be going back to 24 teams so spoilers like Saudi Arabia would not be there at all and group state would be more interesting, plus make it same as it was in Spain 1982, so in second stage teams would be forced to attack To Rockababy-I played football(this is how it is called not soccer) myself and even had chance to play professionally, and I am big time football fun. As i have said the game itself is not in crisis, it is just World Cup sucks with all that scores like 1-0 and 0-0 and games like recent Italy -Germany crap.(noI am not German fun, but watching two hours of extreme boredom to see three minutes of excitement is not worth my time in a future not even to talk the price they charge for a ticket.. To hobo6: case of beer would make me bit more exited but would not teach losers like Ballack or Toni to score..
FIFA World Cup(TM) - 15 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
we can stop italy from playing international football
2 :
It's not possible.
3 :
no way.
4 :
Change the channel. Not only is it boring, but inane as well.
5 :
Topless referees. Would bring new meaning to flashing cards.
6 :
The only way to make soccer less boring is to stop showing it on tv.
7 :
I think you might be on crack and out of it buddy. World Cup is very exciting. Especially this year. I find it funny the people who don't like soccer say World Cup is boring. You people just don't get it.
8 :
I'm sorry, I don't feel like reading that freaking essy that you wrote, but WTF do you mean by "How do we make World Cup less boring?", You can stop watching it if its that boring for you!!! I bet your American!! btw, World cup is not a word! There's suppose to be a freaking space between the two words!!!
9 :
Thats your opinion, but I beg to differ. The World Cup represents your own country, vying for the prestigious award and of course adds to your national pride. Why would you eliminate other countries from joining? Thats why its called the world cup, any country who qualifies can participate.
10 :
Drink a case of beer. By that time, you'll be so drunk that It will look like, to you, that you're watching the Super Bowl. And the Super Bowl is way better than soccer.
11 :
I've found the World Cup interesting (and I'm an American), but if anything is draining the offense in this year's tournament, it might be the temperatures. Later start times for the matches might help a little. If you want to increase offense in general, I'd suggest experimenting with changes in the offside rule. But to be honest, I've liked this year's tournament and I don't think it needs to change much. The only structural change I'd really want to see is straight seeding so that the power teams are more evenly distributed among the groups. The current structure is meant to keep teams from the same continent from being in the same group as much as possible... yet it still resulted in a final eight of six European squads and two from South America. So I'd quit worrying about the continental distributions and just weight the groups equally.
12 :
eliminate the off-side concept like the field hockey... it became much more interesting...
13 :
I don't see anything boring about it...unless you don't like soccer and that would be your problem not everyone else's.
14 :
Dude, by any chance are you gay? World cup rocks! and it's a total guy thing! C'mon man...Boring you say? Btw it's world cup and not worldcup. What's your favorite sport dude? Cranking off I bet! Just kidding, you know.....whatever rows your boat, but soccer is not boring.
15 :
Maybe we need a league format for the next World Cup,like that teams will be forced to play attacking football and perhaps like you said limit it to 24 teams, get rid of the country's that are not up to par.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

When the global warming deniers talk about money?

When the global warming deniers talk about money?
... do they realize that the biggest money in this game is in the hands of the fossil fuel industry, making deniers pawns of big oil and coal? Why do you think Saudi Arabia is the strongest anti-mitigation force in Copenhagen?
Politics - 10 Answers
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1 :
Oh they never talk about money!
2 :
im with the fish
3 :
and those fossil fuels make up more than 70% of the energy you and i use. why can't we transition instead of going cold turkey? answer that one.
4 :
Like you mean the loss of money it will cause to emerging industrialized nations who will have to conform to standards they think are stupid?
5 :
everything involves money in america .. where do you live under a rock.. and why do republicans want everything for free?
6 :
Just another way for government to get bigger and suck more from the people.If they wanted to end (global warming) we would be building nuclear power plants .But instead it's ok to emit carbon as long as you pay makes no sense.
7 :
Actually that is their most vocal opposition to the nearly proven theory. "Not in my lifetime? Then I'm not paying for it."
8 :
How fair is it that the same government that stepped in and stopped ALL construction of Nuclear Power plants in the eighties for a number of years after TMI, is now the same government wanting to penalize the coal industry that gives us our electricity. Now being forced to go back to old, half finished sites, and try and hurry and finish their Nuclear sites before steep taxes make them double our electric bills. Ultimately bankrupting America in a time that we don't need ANY extra expenditures. Do you realize this or is it too much for ya'll to grasp.
9 :
90 billion a year isn't chump change, Hot Rod. And that is the budget in the US alone. And, face it, warming lovers have been shown to be the biggest fraud in the history of modern man. So, the rest of your question is moot, anyway. Drill here, drill now. And the left..all the good little marxist ...stop all attempts at that. You want energy prices to be sky high? Go to Europe. This nation is based on reasonable, if not cheap, energy. It has worked for a hundred years now...I DO NOT WANT to give my money to moronic idiots like Jackson and Obama.
10 :
Don't for a second think that there is no money to be made in the "green" industries. The potential market if people buy in to the AGW hoax is HUGE.

Monday, October 1, 2012

What country will the US invade next?

What country will the US invade next?
My friends and I are putting bets on and i want to make sure I have the advantage. My Money is on Saudi Arabia. They have oil and the US government can get the backing of the people because they are arabs and it could be said that they are liberating women or something.
Politics - 19 Answers
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1 :
There will be no more invasions. We are broke.
2 :
Kenya i hope
3 :
I just wish they deported anti-Americans who hate America.
4 :
we have no more troops or money to wage any more wars
5 :
Iran. We currently have it surrounded...Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq and in the gulf. Scary!
6 :
Probably Iran
7 :
8 :
We would never invade Saudis... there is an unspoken alliance there. We give them defense, they give us oil (err. sells it to us) It will be Iran if McCain wins.. Pakistan if Obama wins.
9 :
Wherever the oil is, that's where the war will be. I'll agree with you. Saudi Arabia seems to be the likeliest candidate for war.
10 :
We will never invade Saudi Arabia. They know better than to stand up to our government.
11 :
we have too do something about them dang Canadians before its too late "remember Bryan Adams" we cant afford another Bryan Adams
12 :
Well I'm thinking maybe somewhere in East and South Asia.Because like China's looking like they might want to take over Taiwan.And looks like the U.S might help.And I know Iraq for sure!
13 :
lol, finally a little hilarity on YA. Haha, but i know where you're coming from bud
14 :
hopefully no other country just bring our troops home and to answer your question i would agree with you they would most likely invade Saudi Arabia because of the oil and will come up with any excuse to invade or even try to start something to invade.
15 :
If we invade mexico, they won't be illegal immigrants anymore. It'll also help with taking cuba. Then, we start taking bits of the middle east. I say bits because we might just take control of oil wells individually and try to defend them.
16 :
1. saudi arabia is one of our closest allies, do your research. 2. we have no money for war. 3. Americans invented practically everything that you people use today. such as planes, computers, lightbulbs, etc. so stop hating on us
17 :
The left never understands the sacrifice that the presidents make when they are forced to send our men and women into the heat of battle. I hope this quote will shed some light for you so that you will not make jokes out of something so serious. "I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours, to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the alter of freedom." President Abraham Lincoln.
18 :
Stupid question, by saying next, you are implying that we make it a habit of invading countries. If we wanted to invade countries for their resources, we could always invade Mexico, and annex it, they have tons of resources. Iraq Invaded Kuwait. What we did was not invade but Liberate, there is a difference. I do agree that we should get out of the World Police Business and throw the UN out of the US, they don't do us any favors and we end up paying for the majority. Don't give money to anyone, we need it here.. Throw all the corrupt politicians out on their buts, and eliminate all of the wasteful spending. Drill our own oil, and stop outsourcing our jobs to other countries.
19 :
Only the guy reading the dice at the Illuminate/bilderberg/masonic HQ knows for sure, they are throwing lots for the socio/political path of the next four years on Wednesday November 5, 2008. They came up green for the Bush II years meaning let the cult of Ra/Marduk play at being gods for a day, purple means call the Aliens and abort the mission to develop peacefull enlightened society, red means the golden age will be again. There are other colors but you have to be a 5th degree or higher to see it.