Thursday, October 28, 2010

I luv brand name clothing but don't make much $ help me make outfits please!!!!?

I luv brand name clothing but don't make much $ help me make outfits please!!!!?
I love ae,hollister,abercrombie,zumiez,pac sun!!! But I only make $50 every couple of saturdays so I don't have a ton of money!!! If someone could create me a really low costing outfit or outfits I would love you!!!!!! I also luv forever21!!!!!
Fashion & Accessories - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I really don't regard average mall clothing as extremely fashionable, but I am probably older than you. People often comment that I look like I stepped off the page of Vogue. Look in fashion magazines, especially French Fashion magazines and recreate the outfits using less expensive clothing, thrift stores, forever21, than bring the picture to a makeup counter in the mall and let them put the make-up on you.(MAC is very good for this) Another good place for outfit ideas is Sex & The City "Carrie Bradshaw" which by the way Sarah Jessic Parker has a new clothing line "bitten" all for $20 or less, don't know where to buy it, look it up online. One last thing, if your going to spend $$$, always go for the shoes, good quality shoes last forever.
2 :
I heard Madonna started designing a line of clothes for H&M....& I think H&M is pretty cheap. Oh, also try ebay. Ebay is known to have knock off designer outfits & they're usually under $100.