Thursday, April 28, 2011

okay i love buying cloths but my mom is getting tired of it so i have to get a job where can i get one at?

okay i love buying cloths but my mom is getting tired of it so i have to get a job where can i get one at?
where can i get one at that no one i know will see me... and so i make some money.. ( im only 14) i absolutely love shopping i love loooking the best dressing the best having news cloths every day wearing the same shirt like once a month or one every month and a half and just getting filled with cloths its the best my 2 top stores are hollister and ambercrombies bc they are the most expensive and that to me shows i have ltos of money and plus they have the best style and then aero ( there for like a poor good cloths person) and then ae they suck.. and i am farrr!!! from rich!!!! very far from rich im pretty poor actually so help me out!!
Fashion & Accessories - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
First of all, its ABERCROMBIE. Second of all, no it doesn't show you have money. If you want to look rich, go buy yourself some Chanel or Louis Vuitton. And you sound spoiled. Even though your not rich, you can still be spoiled. I'm the manager at HCO and its not easy nor fun. You have to WORK. And you have to be 16+.
2 :
Wow you should stop being such an assface. Shopping at abercrombie and hollister doesn't show you have any money. Try shopping at Nordstrom where they sell real quality clothing. Show some class by wearing a pair of actual designer clothes. Anyone can go to an abercrombie outlet and buy the same exact stuff you do for half the price. Stop being stuck up and grow up. Especially if you're poor
3 :
probably the store u like to shop at the most!
4 :
Well you're not going to get hired anywhere if you can't even spell the word "clothes" correctly.
5 :
little girl, YOU don't have money, YOUR MAMA has money. don't get that confused. and second of all, you are the reason why hollister and abercrombie have bad stereotypes. get your head out of your ass and learn about real f***** life.