Monday, February 7, 2011

How to afford a Massie Block wardrobe?

How to afford a Massie Block wardrobe?
Okay so i want to get a new wardrobe filled with some non designers(abercrombie, AE, delias...u no) but i also want to get some really nice, disigner peices. Like idk true religion jeans, coach bags, tiffanys jewlery...u know...that kind of stuff. What do i do...and how do i get it? Also:I make money, but no a 13 so... My parents will not buy everything for me, they will give me a little bit of money, but not a lot...i have to earn this
Fashion & Accessories - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i have some designer stuff. but the only reason i have it is from christmas and birthdays and my grade seven grad. (the neckalce i got from tiffany's was $500) so there really is no way you can afford all this stuff (espoically when handbags are about $2000) but what you can do is go to nordstrom rack! they have everything high end at super low prices! i got a pair of rock and republic jeans ($300) for $100! and they have bags and sunglasses and shoes!
2 :
you're 13 and want this stuff now? maybe save up for which ever you want and talk with your parents and say this is what im saving up for you can purchase it with your credit card and i will give you the money i saved up. show them that you're determined to get these things. but you must also do well in school, graduate high school go to college, get a great when you're older you wont be in debt and you can't afford to have NON-designer stuff. towards your future, know what you want to do, and shoot for it! and don't get any credit cards until you're at least 25-30. i swere, it's TOUGH! :) anyways, good luck on everything.
3 :
Well that is gonna be hard! So save your money a little longer. Pick a pair of deinger jeans and a purse. 2 sweaters. ands some jewlery to start your desinger wardrobe. Then keep saving money and add more peices!