Monday, February 14, 2011

Aerospace Engineering???????????

Aerospace Engineering???????????
Okay I'm in college trying to decide on a major. One thing is for sure I love aviation and space. Im taking flying lessons and one day hope to fly for an airliner. However, I need a backup career and a career that i can make money first year out of school that way i can pay for flight training , apartment, car, etc. I know aerospace engineering is probably the most interesting to me in engineering. Right now im at a community college, and plan on transferring. In AE does it matter what school I go to? What GPA is required? Is the employment outlook positive? no shit!... im doing engineering as a backup.
Engineering - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Aerospace engineering doesn't mean pilot. It means designing the planes and rockets we have today.Sure many go into that field after many years in the engineering field, but if you want to be a pilot take flight classes not engineering classes.
2 :
Why not explore some of the large Aerospace companies? Perhaps apply for summer internships at some of these? You know that you enjoy the direct experience of flying -- you are the kind of person who learns best from direct experience -- so I would suggest getting direct experience at an Aerospace company, to see if you like the work, before investing too much money in years of classroom study. You could also consider a 2-year program that grants a degree that qualifies you for "Aerospace Technician" -- you'd find out quicker this way, if you like the corporate atmosphere of a desk job. Also, may I suggest looking into pilot jobs where pilots work as subcontractors for the military (main installation is in Arizona), flying drone aircraft in the Middle East countries. Require pilot experience PLUS video gaming experience! Good luck. ++++++