Friday, January 14, 2011

i know about a dog fight event going down soon,not sure what to do?

i know about a dog fight event going down soon,not sure what to do?
one of my friends told me about a dog fight event going down these weekend and he wants me to go with him. not gonna lie,i've always wondered what they're like,but i know i would feel really guilty about going. i don't know if i should tell the police or not,because here in harlem if someone finds out you talked to the police you could get killed for it. also,most of these underground dog fights ae run by very dangerous people,and this is one of the ways they make money by hosting dog fights. you guys think i should just not go,and forget about or risk my life and tell the police about it?
Dogs - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Make an anonymous call.
2 :
... Oh my gosh! You need to tell the police! They won't tell who told them and don't go! They kill dogs and whip them and if a dog can't fight anymore they feed it to the other dogs!
3 :
hey. im in new york too so i know just what youre talking about. if you do call the police you have to make sure no one is around, and do not give your name to the police - say you are anonymous to protect your safety. also call the local aspca so that they can possibly get ahold of the dogs and give them new lives. pitbulls (the usual dog for fighting) are actually really, really sweet dogs. they're lovers, not fighters. but please call the police. i know it's scary, but if you do it anonymously when no one's around how could anyone find out it was you? it seems risky, but what are the chances that someone will really know you called? there must be tons of people who know that the event is scheduled, and so you cant necessarily be singled out. do what you know is right. i think that if you didnt care you wouldnt post this question. i have never been to nor will i go to a dog fight, but for your curiosity, here's what a dog fight is probably like: there's a crowd egging on the dogs loudly, and the owners set the two against each other. they bite each other and rip each other apart until one of them can't get up [like in boxing] in which case the winning owner pulls their dog off the defeated one and i dunno what they win, maybe money or something stupid like that. or glory. which is horrible because they didn't do anything to deserve it but abuse their dog, whom they are supposed to love. people treat dog fights, rooster fights, etc as sporting events, a social environment. obviously somewhere in your soul you know it's wrong. so you need to report it. again, you can do this anonymously and your name will never be released. think of the lives you could be improving. by the way, thank you for asking this question. most people wouldn't. ----------------------- edit: to helen who said "I suspect, since you joined just today, this is more likely a troll question." Uh, did you ever consider this person may have joined just to ask this question?
4 :
I kinda doubt your "friend" would have told you anything unless you were already considered "safe". I suspect, since you joined just today, this is more likely a troll question....
5 :
please do not go but if you can somehow let the police know please do. As a licensed APBT rescuer and seeing as while as rehabbing hundreds of this abused dogs it pains me to allow it to continue. I know it can be dangerous both going and being involved with these people, hopefully someone can stop this and arrest all humans involved.
6 :
Call the police.
7 :
you can report and remain anonymous ... "Must an individual identify themselves to report an allegation? No, an individual need not identify themselves in order to report an allegation. However, if not identified that individual must understand they cannot be contacted by the investigative unit for further information." that is right from the new york city police department website ... don't even consider going, report ...