Is the difference between "Iran" and "Iraq" only the letters "q" and "n"?
I believe that if you spend 10 minutes reading this essay, you will be better informed than if you listen to a lifetime's worth of Major Media news. This article has two parts: 1. Cultural and general info 2. Political info. Note: I've explained everything.Any answers before reading the whole thing will prove to be wrong.Specially the political part.I've provided evidence for whatever I say.It's just the way it is. **** Part 1: Cultural and general info Hi. I'm a 19 year old Iranian who has spent his life in Iran.I study English.When I chat with people from other countries, I am shocked to see how totally wrong their ideas are about Iran. I wrote this article in an attempt to help correct those ideas. The first thing the West accuses our government of is that we don't allow personal freedoms. Actually, Iranians disobey laws they don't like as much as anyone.There are only a few restrictions.It's cool over here. People here do whatever they wish to! Many strict rules in other countries don't even exist in Iran. Also, you should understand that what may seem so normal to you, may be a nightmare for us and vise versa.Some of Iran's laws are based on OUR culture. You look at our country from "your own point of view"! In Iran most houses have a sattelite dish. Sattelite television has a serious influence on our people, and Iranians wear very fashionable clothing. Maybe it is a kind of imitation, but we still have our own unique Iranian style. A visitor might wonder if this is a country or a fantasy pageant of beauty queens! Make-up and fashionable clothing are everywhere.I ignore a few fuddy-duddies though! In my view, everything is great, if you ignore unemployment, drugs, inflation and air pollution. Also, you can't compare Iran today with the Iran you remember. The Shah and the Iatollah Khomini are both some 30 years in the past! 70% of Iran's population is a new generation (Under age 30) without the biases of the past and we've transformed everything. Ever heard Iranian girls are terrific?I've collected some photos showing Iranian girls! Look! Poeple are like this! Is that enough?! Some people think women don't have any rights in Iran. But in my view, women are overrunning the place. They're very respectful, and they've been the winners in so many cases: Most of them get into the best universities because they're very smart. And they get the best jobs because of their high university degrees. They've got Islamic rights, and that has in some cases made it difficult for men to marry them, because husbands are supposed to buy them expensive things and treat them very well, otherwise women have the right to ask a great amount of money (called Mehr) according to the law, which most husbands cannot afford, so men will be imprisoned.The only thing that women are not allowed to do in Iran is getting into public football stadiums and that's because such places are full of cheeky guys. They do anything from taking part in rallies to singing pop songs.Anything! I've put a sample here. Another funny thing: Your footage about stoning the women who have committed adultery. Have you ever asked yourselves how many years ago that footage related to? But in one case the thing that had happened was incest not adultery. Most of those footages relate to the early days just after Iran's revolution! Otherwise you'd get new footages at least once a month!What exactly makes you think women are treated differently?The way they are treated in Saudi Arabia? Try to think of the racism in your country too.I found a BOOK of the U.S problems and it got me dizzy! Iran has its own problems too. Each country has its own problems. Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan are --------- SEPERATE COUNTRIES! --------- Even within Iran, 60% of us are Persian and 30% are Turkish! Iran is a normal country like any other in the world. The Media are very good at creating really scary stuff: "IRAN BEHIND THE CLOSED DOORS!!!" "IRAN UNDERCOVER!!!" Some of that garbage would be enough to scare ME away! But in truth, Iranians are far more open-minded than you have been led to believe. There are lots of Iranians today who are geniuses and scientists, and are all under age 25. For instance a 17 year old boy has invented 72 amazing inventions. Every year a special scientific compeition is held here and students assemble to show off hundreds of inventions. Iranian students and sportsmen win gold and silver medals in different competitions in the world all the time, in robotics, biology, maths, physics, sports, anything! Why don't the Media talk about them? Please don't summarize our nation and culture with the single word "nuclear". Although we're proud of this achievement because we believe that having nuclear energy means that a country is developed. A few months ago Iran uncovered the most effective anti-H.I.V medicine. I searched for news of that on the internet, but there was no single sign of it.Now, I found it among the English news: "The medicine is produced from herbs using nano technology" The link to read about it is: The Media are unjust. They never talk about facts! Some interesting facts: Iran is a pioneer in medicine and genetics, and Iranian surgeons have found lots of new methods for treating spinal defects, and many diseases (mainly the treatment for different types of cancer) and the best brain and heart surgeons are Iranian.The pioneer in heart transplants and artificiall hearts and so on and so! (I've put two websites below) The head of the Mars Mission in NASA is Iranian. One of the best designers of sports cars working in Germany is Iranian. Some of the best 3D animators are Iranian. Iran is one of the best countries in counter-engineering. Holds the second place in building dams and in loads of other things! It's one of the top countries in bio-technology and nano-technology. The 4th highest tower in the world (Milad tower) is in Tehran (visit it at this link from wikipedia: ). 51 of the top 100 universities in the Mid-East are in Iran, and they're among the top universities of the world as well. The champion weight-lifter, a woman the nobel peace prize are Iranian. The 6th top movie director in the world is Iranian.(Abbas Kiarostami),12102,1084266,00.html These are just small samples.If the media told you about Iran's achievemens everyday and didn't hide them, your news would be full of Iranian news!Iranian girls are famous for being terrific. We have Persian rugs and Persian literature, many Persian poets, artists and scientists that are world famous. Iranian culture is now westernized and only a little of the ancient culture has survived. According to statistics Tehran is the cheapest capital city in the world (one Dollar =about 950 Tomans) There are many other things. How many pages would you need to describe a country? Iran has nearly all the industries and technologies found in 'developed' countries. Oh, and we have four seasons! We get a lot of snow and there are skating rinks! lol The list is endless. I'm gonna introduce Iran's international news website to you (Press TV) which was established recently. It's fully in English. In the "Sic / Tech" section you'll always see Iran's discoveries. The address is: Press TV news: Iranian scientists have registered more than 4800 inventions during the last Iranian calendar year of 1385 (April 21 2006-April 20, 2007). 4800 inventions in just one year! The list of highly-respected Iranian scientists and engineers in the world: The list of notable Iranian figures and pioneers: An extract: Iranian medical community is a significant part of medical community in US and Europe Enough evidence? Some people think Iran is a desert! Well, it is, if you consider California a desert. We share the same latitude. Iran is a modern country with breathtakingly beautiful nature and lots of historic places to visit. Please take a look at the following links to see if Iran looks like what you think or not! This is a photo of Tehran (Awesome, Isn't it?): If you like you can visit these too, hundreds of pretty photos from the cities, nature and historic places: Some people think music is forbidden in Iran. "Music of Iran and Iranian musicians have received countless awards in the course of history. Every year from 1977 to 2007.Evidence? I send Iranian music to my American and Canadian chat friends and they all say they're some of the best songs they've ever heard. Here's a sample of the latest hits from two official Iranian music websites.You can just right click on the links below and choose "Save Target As" to download them. Iranian music is just modern pop and the best sort of it. 1.(You know this: 2007) 2.(Hold my hand: 2007) 3.(The wetness of your eyes: 2006) 4.(I just want you: 2003) 5.(The rain: 2007) 6.(The window: 2005) 7.(Keep me in your memory: 2005) 8.(Farangis "A female name" 2007) 9.(The distance: 2007) 10.(Sunrise: 2007) 11.(Stop world:2006) 12.(You can't: 2007) And so on and on! It's now 2007 and most people still think we are uneducated people living in deserts and riding camels! Part 2: Political info. Let's clarify some political issues as well: Some of the Americans think that president Ahmadinejad hates the U.S and Israel and wants to nuke them!! The Media are good at putting lying comments out there. I really don't get the point why our politicians defame themselves by talking about things that have got nothing to do with us. The thing is that they occasionally make some statements that the media would make them controversial topics to interest its viewers! For example they pick up some specific phrases of a long speech (without refering to the main points and reasons for that speech) and put so many bad comments on that. First of all, Iranians don't hate anyone.We hate neither Jews nor Americans. How would our guys dream of America, want to be like them as much as possible, and hate them at the same time?! The truth us that Iranians are the only people in the Mid-East that are pro-American! Being agaisnt the U.S policies is a different story! We live basically the same lives.Don't look at the way women dress in public places! You've got to see them in other places!I've got to say that for Iran, Israel is not equal with Jews! Israel is a gov't. Jews are faithful people! 20,000 Jews and lots of Christians live here equally with Iranians and two of Iran's parliment members are Jews. Who says we want to force others to convert to Islam? Have you ever found a Moslem knocking at your door asking you to do so? Christians and Jews are both God-believers and respectful to us. I wonder who Iran is really a threat to. Is it logical to say someone's guilty because we THINK / PREDICT that he's going to do something wrong? And they repeat the same "nuclear weapons" tosh over and over and brainwash people! Correction! It's "nuclear energy". Besides, how many "nuclear weapons" do they have themselves? Hundreds of thousands? Has Iran ever attacked any countries? No. Has it developed any nukes? No! That's what nuclear agency says. Only Iran's opponents are pulling Iran's leg and what they say is just based on political conflicts. What we're doing is legal. Iran is a peaceful country. Why? It's the regional super-power and if she wanted, she could easily invade the countries in our neibourhood just like what Saddam did to our country, but as you see Iran has peaceful relations with all of them. Some people say he said: Israel should be wiped off the map! the thing is that he exactly said: "The Imam "Khomeyni" said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time."They've only told you this phrase not the whole thing and it's mistranslated intentionally. Besides, they've been saying such things for a long time.It's their habit.Here's an article."Wiped off the map....The roumor of the century.Read how the media and the U.S newspapers have twisted it into a controvertioal topic. Now you see that you were wrong.Iran has always defended itself, but it's not an offensive country. Some say he's said: "The Holocaust is a myth!" Again, this is a single phrase taken from a long speech and there are totally logical reasons for saying so. If 6,000,000 Jews were killed, that's terrible, but 300,000 Shiite Moslems killed by Saddam aren't important at all? Over 650,000 Iraqi people are killed and that's not important?! When Fox News simply says that America and Israel are capable of destroying and killing Iran's population of 69,000,000 within two weeks, it's OK and no one says they're threatening other countries to nuke them (I saw this with my own eyes on the Fox News website) Millions of people killed in Afghanistan, Hiroshima & Nagasaki and the Vietnam war are not considered human beings at all! Now I think you'd get the point why he's IRONICALLY said it's a myth. Moreover, don't you believe in freedom of speech/mind? Well, if you'd like to blame someone for that, hope in a time-machine and sue Hitler! lol Some countries are using Iran as a scapegoat to put the blame (for their own faults) on. This part is just for Americans: Those of you who say why Iran says "Death to America": 1. 'America' to us means the U.S govt, not the people. How do you expect Iranians to mean "American people" when our media admires Americans for marching and holding up "no war" placards?! Also, I see a lot of "Let's nuke Iran"s on YA.Isn't that a kind of "Death to Iran"? 2. The new generation don't say such things and if some of them occasionally march in the streets that's because some of the stupid guys enjoy making noise and they mainly go out there to meet their girlfriends/boyfriends! Strange. Isn't it? 3. Such mottos are not just said in Iran and as you know whatever you hear is a response to the U.S govt's terrible actions which has made life for many people hell (You wouldn't deny that attacking countries is a mistake. Would you?) 4. U.S. companies assistance in developing Iraq's chemical weapons facilities during the Iran-Iraq war which killed over a million Iranians 5. USS Vincennes shooting down Iran Air Flight 655 with many civilian fatalities 6.U.S. Support for anti-Iranian terrorist organisations (i.e. the MKO); 7. Economic damage caused by U.S. sanctions and political pressure; U.S. UAV overflights over Iran violating Iranian airspace since 2003. When you call Ahmadinejad a nutcase for what he's said, what do you call Bush for his war crimes? To those who are upset with American hostages taken for 444 days: 1. Firstly, It's related to so many years ago and it's almost a part of history, and don't forget that when there's a revolution, there'd be chaos and people may do things that they should not, moreover they're all alive and healthy. Aren't they? 2.The U.S has arrested Iranian diplomats in Iraq and had tortured the one who was freed. Now you decide who has the right to be upset with whom. How do you believe in their lies about politics when they hide both the most and the least important things from you considering the fact that politics is the world of lies in its nature?!!! If you like to insist on your theory of attacking Israel, I'll tell you our logical theory: "The moment that Iran attacks Israel, Iran will be wiped off the face of the earth by the U.S and its allies and Iran is far more logical than doing such a stupid thing" So, forget about it.I'm quite sure you know that all the events and lies in the world are a part of a pre-planned scenario by major world-powers (Iran as an important country has always been a part of their plans)And the first step is to brainwash people.They excactly know what will happen even 50 years later! I think Iraq is such a good example.Attacking it with the excuse of removing Saddam while they'd put Saddam there themselves and had supported him for years! They said they had W.M.Ds and you believed them.Now they say Iran (a member of N.P.T) has nukes / is developing nukes and you believe them wilhe the nuclear agency hasn't found any sign of illegal activities.Time to wake up! Isn't it better for both countries to forget past conflicts and to have peaceful relations? Our two gov'ts are like 10 year old children playing a stupid, harsh, rhetorical game. They don't care about hurting people's feelings. They just try to make our two peoples enemies to achieve their own goals. We, as the people of these countries, MUST NOT allow these conflics into our hearts. Now, what do you think? I can't wait to see both nations in peace. It'd be marvelous! Did you find my article informative? : ) Thanks for your time to the second answerer: Excellant.I guess your answer will be the best, but I'm waiting. To pantaguros: You're right.Thanks for your understanding.BTW, We Iranians are Persian and Turkish not Arab! We have nothing in common with Arabs.I mean it! Not to say they're not nice people.They are, but they're totally different from us.Totally!
Other - Politics & Government - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Informative and thought provoking although the closed minded in our country won't get past the first paragraph. The Neo-Cons have done a good job of scaring the sheep here into hiding their heads in the sand of ignorance. There are good and bad people in both our countries. Hopefully the future holds hope for communication and diplomacy.
2 :
I can see that you're very informed of what's going on in your country. Most Americans are totally mis-informed about their own history,not just Iran's'. I'm sure that many folks here on YA won't even read what you put up here in your ques. I'm afraid that our President is making plans for world domination,and the Middle East is square 1. I know that what you say and feel about Iran is true,but the media here are not gonna tell the truth anytime soon ! Anyone with a true sense of history, would understand the many contributions of Arabs throughout history, were important for the development of civilization. Don't judge Americans by what the govt. does or says. We're trapped in this, just as much as you !
3 :
I know Iran is a beautiful country and I know the people are not Arabs, but Persians, I like the name Persia better than Iran to bad they changed it. I like you, are sick of news media and the talk of war, I am sick of Iraq, but I do believe your government is interfering in Iraq and sending fighter and arms to hurt our troops and if you don't think so you are being naive. I am sure the people of Iran are intelligent and loving people and I know they like the American people, I have also meant a few people from Iran and they are very nice, I hope things will change when President Bush is out of office, but I think the damage in Iraq is irreversible, now they are fighting among themselves they are just to tribal and the government of Iran is not helping in the process, they are causing more trouble. They have also arrested American-Iranians that have gone to visit their relatives over their and accused them of spying, one lady is a grandmother who went to see her ninety year old mother, another is an aide worker of some kind, the Iranian government is getting paranoid, if you are from America you are condsidered a spy no matter if you are Iranian or not. Bush has demanded their release but no response. To bad that the people that run governments have other agendas other than just taking care of their own countries. Yes we have trouble in our government just like you, so I guess were both in the same boat and paddling no where. I don't really believe your leaders would attack Israel, because Israel has nukes and would respond swiftley, but you never know what kind of a nut is running the country and what they are capable of, some leaders don't care about their own people and what would happen to them because of their actions. They are just thinking about killing Israel and their people. The extremeists for example would not care about the consequences, if they had the nukes they would use them no matter how many people would be killed. Look what Saddam did to the Kurdes, he gassed them and killed hundreds of thousands, and he didn't care. Other nations also believed he had WMD's it wasn't just us, the French, England and the UN, what he gassed the Kurds with was not pepper spray it was a WMD. look what the 911 attackers did they weren't thinking about the innocent people in those planes or in those towers, they were just thing about hurting our government which did not happen, it just cause more trouble, I think extremeists idology is causing a lot of the problems these days, and I also hope our nations can live in peace, yes your artical was informative. sorry about spelling, spell check is useless if you type past a certain point.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Saturday, December 14, 2013
How can I refinance massive unsecured debt?
How can I refinance massive unsecured debt?
I make around 120K (pre-tax) - and have for the last few years - but I have 80K in unsecured Credit Card debt that just jumped from 15% to 30% due to the new Credit Card Act! (and I called - they wouldn't lower it - my credit rating is below average) Is there ANY way to refinance this with AMERICAN lenders at 5-12% so I can stop sending my money to Saudi Arabia!?? So far the major banks want nothing to do with me - but ANY suggestions will be greatly appreciated!! I can last about 3 more months before declaring bankruptsy at this 30% rate - and I do not have any equity in my house - I'm a little underwater in fact. Surely with my Verifiable income there is some reasonable alternative - I looked into credit counseling and those scams seems unlikely to assist me. I am open to presenting my case to ANY lenders - online or Brick and Mortar...
Personal Finance - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There is a government organizaton - no profit National Foundation for Credit Councelling at They are free - max $25 per month depending on salary. They will put you in a DMP program. This can prevent you from being taken to court. They will work with your creditors, set up payment plans, and even perhaps reduce interest rates once the creditors know you are in this plan. Call the 800 number on the webste and set up an appointment with a local office. This federal website is by no means a scam. Option 2 Get a book on Debt / Credit Repair. These books tell you all the secrets of negotiating settlements with the creditors if you are in default. Once you pay all this off. Use credit wisely - use the card for things you need like food or gas and pay in full each month. More than 50% of Americans never pay interest on credit cards because they pay in full each month - be one of them! Do you have a 401K at work? You can take a hardship loan if you do - your credit card balances will qualify you. /
2 :
Obviously you need serious help
I make around 120K (pre-tax) - and have for the last few years - but I have 80K in unsecured Credit Card debt that just jumped from 15% to 30% due to the new Credit Card Act! (and I called - they wouldn't lower it - my credit rating is below average) Is there ANY way to refinance this with AMERICAN lenders at 5-12% so I can stop sending my money to Saudi Arabia!?? So far the major banks want nothing to do with me - but ANY suggestions will be greatly appreciated!! I can last about 3 more months before declaring bankruptsy at this 30% rate - and I do not have any equity in my house - I'm a little underwater in fact. Surely with my Verifiable income there is some reasonable alternative - I looked into credit counseling and those scams seems unlikely to assist me. I am open to presenting my case to ANY lenders - online or Brick and Mortar...
Personal Finance - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There is a government organizaton - no profit National Foundation for Credit Councelling at They are free - max $25 per month depending on salary. They will put you in a DMP program. This can prevent you from being taken to court. They will work with your creditors, set up payment plans, and even perhaps reduce interest rates once the creditors know you are in this plan. Call the 800 number on the webste and set up an appointment with a local office. This federal website is by no means a scam. Option 2 Get a book on Debt / Credit Repair. These books tell you all the secrets of negotiating settlements with the creditors if you are in default. Once you pay all this off. Use credit wisely - use the card for things you need like food or gas and pay in full each month. More than 50% of Americans never pay interest on credit cards because they pay in full each month - be one of them! Do you have a 401K at work? You can take a hardship loan if you do - your credit card balances will qualify you. /
2 :
Obviously you need serious help
Saturday, December 7, 2013
my husband is an english teacher and we wanted to try our luck in arabian countries, any advices, salaries etc
my husband is an english teacher and we wanted to try our luck in arabian countries, any advices, salaries etc
we wanted to make some money and wanted to try our luck in maybe Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia. Is there anyone who can tell us can we find anything there and what to ecpect. Husband has a master in english language from Birmingham, UK
Careers & Employment - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I know lots of canadians who go to Dubai. They pay really good, but watch out for your safety.
2 :
Always check that the school will provide work permits and work visas. Check with other teachers at the school (if you can) if they have theirs. DO NOT RUN THE RISK OF WORKING ILLEGALLY IN ANOTHER COUNTRY!!!! I know people that are in prison now, in developing countries, for not having the correct paperwork! Sorry. OK, something positive: TEFL/TESL teaching is wonderfully rewarding as a learning and self development vehicle. I would suggest, however that It's not a good option with regards to career development, financial security for the future and long term thoughts of immigration. If you are qualified, I'd suggest sticking it out in your home country till you have enough in the bank to fall back on. A pension would be great.Don't make a big move to another country without something to fall back on. Don't believe schools that promise the earth... They will often not deliver what they promise...And if you leave the school, they will tell the parents that you were not good at your job. Also, be aware of changing jobs and visa cancellations if you do so. Check out this site - It may help with a lot of questions. Good luck, and I wish you all the best.
3 :
Try in Universities only. If you are a muslim, KFUPM - Saudi Arabia King AbdulAziz University - Saudi Arabia UAE Qatar Bahrain Kuwait If you are a non-muslim, Try UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait.
we wanted to make some money and wanted to try our luck in maybe Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia. Is there anyone who can tell us can we find anything there and what to ecpect. Husband has a master in english language from Birmingham, UK
Careers & Employment - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I know lots of canadians who go to Dubai. They pay really good, but watch out for your safety.
2 :
Always check that the school will provide work permits and work visas. Check with other teachers at the school (if you can) if they have theirs. DO NOT RUN THE RISK OF WORKING ILLEGALLY IN ANOTHER COUNTRY!!!! I know people that are in prison now, in developing countries, for not having the correct paperwork! Sorry. OK, something positive: TEFL/TESL teaching is wonderfully rewarding as a learning and self development vehicle. I would suggest, however that It's not a good option with regards to career development, financial security for the future and long term thoughts of immigration. If you are qualified, I'd suggest sticking it out in your home country till you have enough in the bank to fall back on. A pension would be great.Don't make a big move to another country without something to fall back on. Don't believe schools that promise the earth... They will often not deliver what they promise...And if you leave the school, they will tell the parents that you were not good at your job. Also, be aware of changing jobs and visa cancellations if you do so. Check out this site - It may help with a lot of questions. Good luck, and I wish you all the best.
3 :
Try in Universities only. If you are a muslim, KFUPM - Saudi Arabia King AbdulAziz University - Saudi Arabia UAE Qatar Bahrain Kuwait If you are a non-muslim, Try UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Why do you want to pay 150 dollars/barrel, when it only costs $5 dollars/barrel to get it out of ground?
Why do you want to pay 150 dollars/barrel, when it only costs $5 dollars/barrel to get it out of ground?
Oil can be found for, typically, $2.00 per barrel exploration cost, and produced for $4.00 development cost. With the international price of oil around $20.00 per barrel, that's $14.00 "profit" i.e. an apparent 14/6 = 233% return on investment. Sounds nice, but there are a few snags. Not all oil is equally cheap to find and produce. Saudi Arabia produces oil at an incremental cost of $0.40 per barrel! Many wells in the USA, the North Sea, and other parts of the world become uneconomic if the oil price falls below $12 to $13 per barrel, so some companies and governments make money at low oil prices, some don't.
Other - Politics & Government - 5 Answers
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1 :
It takes more pressure to get oil out of the ground here in the states then it does in the middle east. Most energy to pump it out means more costs to pump it out. Now, you aren't counting the value of the oil itself. I could make the same arguement about gold since the gold is more valuable then the costs associated with getting it out of the ground.
2 :
"Oil" and "gasoline" are different. You are overlooking the fact that the Main reason gas prices are so high is that the US oil companies have not built a single refinery in over 10 years. That would cut into their profits and cut prices in half.
3 :
Unregulated oil markets are what have driven up the price. Even if we drill more here, you don't think speculators would do everything they could to drive the price of crude up and continue to rape us? Oil should be protected and taken out of the futures trading market.. Speculators should not have this kind of power over the American economy.
4 :
It's not a matter of want because I want it for free but it's a matter of the greedy oil companies after the most greedy oil producers.
5 :
mudbug is mostly correct.the lack of refining capabilities + the price of oil per gallon = price at pump. more oil will lower gas per gallon ,or more refining. but both will double the speed at which price drops. conservation is not the answer. we[USA] conserved 5% this last month.did it help ?no! china incressed by 18% in the same loss 13%.Frankly china doesn't give a fermented beancurd .all the us conservation for global warming or any type of conservation is more than offset by chinese polution and demand
Oil can be found for, typically, $2.00 per barrel exploration cost, and produced for $4.00 development cost. With the international price of oil around $20.00 per barrel, that's $14.00 "profit" i.e. an apparent 14/6 = 233% return on investment. Sounds nice, but there are a few snags. Not all oil is equally cheap to find and produce. Saudi Arabia produces oil at an incremental cost of $0.40 per barrel! Many wells in the USA, the North Sea, and other parts of the world become uneconomic if the oil price falls below $12 to $13 per barrel, so some companies and governments make money at low oil prices, some don't.
Other - Politics & Government - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It takes more pressure to get oil out of the ground here in the states then it does in the middle east. Most energy to pump it out means more costs to pump it out. Now, you aren't counting the value of the oil itself. I could make the same arguement about gold since the gold is more valuable then the costs associated with getting it out of the ground.
2 :
"Oil" and "gasoline" are different. You are overlooking the fact that the Main reason gas prices are so high is that the US oil companies have not built a single refinery in over 10 years. That would cut into their profits and cut prices in half.
3 :
Unregulated oil markets are what have driven up the price. Even if we drill more here, you don't think speculators would do everything they could to drive the price of crude up and continue to rape us? Oil should be protected and taken out of the futures trading market.. Speculators should not have this kind of power over the American economy.
4 :
It's not a matter of want because I want it for free but it's a matter of the greedy oil companies after the most greedy oil producers.
5 :
mudbug is mostly correct.the lack of refining capabilities + the price of oil per gallon = price at pump. more oil will lower gas per gallon ,or more refining. but both will double the speed at which price drops. conservation is not the answer. we[USA] conserved 5% this last month.did it help ?no! china incressed by 18% in the same loss 13%.Frankly china doesn't give a fermented beancurd .all the us conservation for global warming or any type of conservation is more than offset by chinese polution and demand
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Why is Waste Bengal so full of shit?
Why is Waste Bengal so full of shit?
I moved to konnagar West Bengal in 2009 and since then nothing is going right. The roads are small and all kinds vehicles like buses, trucks, rickshaws, auto rickshaws(carrying 7 people??!!!), and the worst part is that all these vehicles are driving like crazy shit, there is one (no 3) bus that has accidents every week, there are no footpaths to walk on and you are always praying that you don't get smashed up by a 3 no bus. People are all hot headed hypocrites, like they are the bosses(inside they don't know a thing and they will pretend that they are always right), and they are always like jealous of other ppls happenings and other progressive states as they can't do anything creative or positive or funny themselves. There is a cyber cafe that doesn't allow you tube and another one that doesn't Mozilla Firefox , instead they use IE6, it's just to make money as the speed of IE6 is slow and it crashes frequently, so he gets to capitalize on that extra time taken. Even the services like internet sucks there is a local isp called Meghbala or wire and wireless, they complain that their servers are getting virus from the costumers computers and mostly the internet is down. And then if you tell them that you are not getting any speed they will tell you to close download manager and only browse or tell you to check you ping and again and again (F#$%$@g a holes). lols!!! And also they will put off the connection without notice on 25 of the next month for not getting the payment(they don't come to collect it before that). At least the paper T2 of telegraph had some cool stuff but then some idiots wrote to T2 editor and now they don't publish anything obscene to these ppl. hell if you can't appreciate or enjoy human beauty and sexuality go to Saudi Arabia you dumbshits!!! And another thing that pissed me off is that culture thing these ppl tell, that they have culture. Hell you all are just sticking to what your old folks have done before in the 50s, 60s and 70's then full stop!!you ppl are still living in that era of your so called culture. Those ppl have done what they had to do back then but what have you ppl done?!!! just made Wasted Bengal!!! and destroyed West Bengal.? I am a delhiite bengali and i HATE Wasted Bengal, it's like i am in Somalia or something!!!!!! Here they just love to create problems for others instead of offering a helping hand. These ppl are the least progressive and logical and they give the stupid culture excuse for all they things they do and don't do!!!
Other - Cultures & Groups - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
huh? O.o
2 :
alot of writing, too long to read, but r u bengali
I moved to konnagar West Bengal in 2009 and since then nothing is going right. The roads are small and all kinds vehicles like buses, trucks, rickshaws, auto rickshaws(carrying 7 people??!!!), and the worst part is that all these vehicles are driving like crazy shit, there is one (no 3) bus that has accidents every week, there are no footpaths to walk on and you are always praying that you don't get smashed up by a 3 no bus. People are all hot headed hypocrites, like they are the bosses(inside they don't know a thing and they will pretend that they are always right), and they are always like jealous of other ppls happenings and other progressive states as they can't do anything creative or positive or funny themselves. There is a cyber cafe that doesn't allow you tube and another one that doesn't Mozilla Firefox , instead they use IE6, it's just to make money as the speed of IE6 is slow and it crashes frequently, so he gets to capitalize on that extra time taken. Even the services like internet sucks there is a local isp called Meghbala or wire and wireless, they complain that their servers are getting virus from the costumers computers and mostly the internet is down. And then if you tell them that you are not getting any speed they will tell you to close download manager and only browse or tell you to check you ping and again and again (F#$%$@g a holes). lols!!! And also they will put off the connection without notice on 25 of the next month for not getting the payment(they don't come to collect it before that). At least the paper T2 of telegraph had some cool stuff but then some idiots wrote to T2 editor and now they don't publish anything obscene to these ppl. hell if you can't appreciate or enjoy human beauty and sexuality go to Saudi Arabia you dumbshits!!! And another thing that pissed me off is that culture thing these ppl tell, that they have culture. Hell you all are just sticking to what your old folks have done before in the 50s, 60s and 70's then full stop!!you ppl are still living in that era of your so called culture. Those ppl have done what they had to do back then but what have you ppl done?!!! just made Wasted Bengal!!! and destroyed West Bengal.? I am a delhiite bengali and i HATE Wasted Bengal, it's like i am in Somalia or something!!!!!! Here they just love to create problems for others instead of offering a helping hand. These ppl are the least progressive and logical and they give the stupid culture excuse for all they things they do and don't do!!!
Other - Cultures & Groups - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
huh? O.o
2 :
alot of writing, too long to read, but r u bengali
Thursday, November 14, 2013
What will happen to the middle east once there's no more oil?
What will happen to the middle east once there's no more oil?
How is it expected that the middle east (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, etc) will sustain themselves once the oil runs out? No doubt the royalty will have pilled up enough money to sustain themselves and have enough off-shore investments to maintain that. And cities such as Dubai are making the investments to ensure a long term tourism dollars. But most individuals and governments lack both, and are taxed constantly by the cost of war. With no additional revenues, what happens?
Politics - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
They would eventually run out of money. The Saudis know they have less than 100 years to make as much money as they can. Worldwide there is a lot of oil still underground ( Canada has more oil than Saudi Arabia) . Also, natural gas fields are still constantly being found. Natural gas can be converted into hydrogen which can be used in converted car engines and in fuel cells.
2 :
3 :
The worry isn't running out of oil. The worry is how much time before someone figures some form of transportation that is cheap and doesn't use oil. That's the main concern. McCain '08
4 :
The whole world will collapse.
5 :
things in the middle east will revert to the way it was before the oil boom. Have you ever seen a former boom town in the U.S. that lost it's draw? The wealthy there will of course do just fine because of all the things you mentioned, but the average person will probably revert to nomadic herding.
6 :
There will be no Mid East by the time it runs out of oil. There is plenty there, it won't run out. By the time those resources are gone there will probably be no life on planet earth anyway.
7 :
The Sultans of Oil will finally discover peace and begin the process of integration into the world community. Their dependence on the world community for their survival will lessen the fanatical elements of their culture, and they will adapt to modern life and liberties. America the Breadbasket of the World, will naturally feed their people, invest in their economies, and assist their government. Being the most generous nation on earth and the most forgiving, peace will reign in the Middle East and Israel will live in peace.
8 :
That's one reason why ALL oil-rich nations should support energy conservation to the fullest. If the world continues to squander remaining oil reserves, those countries dry up and go away. They will be around much longer if they are instrumental in persuading consumers to conserve oil; adopt alternative energy sources; REuse, REduce and REcycle and minimize dependence on oil. -RKO- 05/26/08
9 :
They will diversify their economies following the Malaysian model. But they have a long time to worry about doing that, so there's no huge rush.
10 :
America will probably turn its back on the middle east because it wont have anything we want anymore so they will be able to fight amongst themselves as they wish without interference and will destroy each other. Basically our only real interest there is for oil. The Presidents say its not just oil but also moral obligation. I call bull shit on that one. We are using them for oil and oil alone because our government is ran by greedy bastards.
11 :
What will happen then there is no need for Israel any more. Israel receive more than 20 billions $ each year from American taxpayers to protect the oil.
How is it expected that the middle east (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, etc) will sustain themselves once the oil runs out? No doubt the royalty will have pilled up enough money to sustain themselves and have enough off-shore investments to maintain that. And cities such as Dubai are making the investments to ensure a long term tourism dollars. But most individuals and governments lack both, and are taxed constantly by the cost of war. With no additional revenues, what happens?
Politics - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
They would eventually run out of money. The Saudis know they have less than 100 years to make as much money as they can. Worldwide there is a lot of oil still underground ( Canada has more oil than Saudi Arabia) . Also, natural gas fields are still constantly being found. Natural gas can be converted into hydrogen which can be used in converted car engines and in fuel cells.
2 :
3 :
The worry isn't running out of oil. The worry is how much time before someone figures some form of transportation that is cheap and doesn't use oil. That's the main concern. McCain '08
4 :
The whole world will collapse.
5 :
things in the middle east will revert to the way it was before the oil boom. Have you ever seen a former boom town in the U.S. that lost it's draw? The wealthy there will of course do just fine because of all the things you mentioned, but the average person will probably revert to nomadic herding.
6 :
There will be no Mid East by the time it runs out of oil. There is plenty there, it won't run out. By the time those resources are gone there will probably be no life on planet earth anyway.
7 :
The Sultans of Oil will finally discover peace and begin the process of integration into the world community. Their dependence on the world community for their survival will lessen the fanatical elements of their culture, and they will adapt to modern life and liberties. America the Breadbasket of the World, will naturally feed their people, invest in their economies, and assist their government. Being the most generous nation on earth and the most forgiving, peace will reign in the Middle East and Israel will live in peace.
8 :
That's one reason why ALL oil-rich nations should support energy conservation to the fullest. If the world continues to squander remaining oil reserves, those countries dry up and go away. They will be around much longer if they are instrumental in persuading consumers to conserve oil; adopt alternative energy sources; REuse, REduce and REcycle and minimize dependence on oil. -RKO- 05/26/08
9 :
They will diversify their economies following the Malaysian model. But they have a long time to worry about doing that, so there's no huge rush.
10 :
America will probably turn its back on the middle east because it wont have anything we want anymore so they will be able to fight amongst themselves as they wish without interference and will destroy each other. Basically our only real interest there is for oil. The Presidents say its not just oil but also moral obligation. I call bull shit on that one. We are using them for oil and oil alone because our government is ran by greedy bastards.
11 :
What will happen then there is no need for Israel any more. Israel receive more than 20 billions $ each year from American taxpayers to protect the oil.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Why do countries sell their military hardware?
Why do countries sell their military hardware?
For example, the American made M1 Abrams tank, we have sold a number of these tanks to Iraq, Australia, Egypt, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Why? The Germans have sold there Leopard 2 tank to 15 other countries, obviously so far I have only given examples of two countries tanks, but this seems to be the case with weapons and aircrafts as well. I remember hearing about Russia just making a new Jet fighter that China bought. The Russians are probably the best example of what I'm talking about here, how many countries owned and operated T-series tanks? T-72 T-80 T-90, they are like the worlds most common tank that have been in every conflict from every country even though they were originally made by the Russians. Am I the only one who thinks selling your military hardware to the rest of the world is a bad idea? sure you make money but then other countries own your technology and you no longer have a technological edge or surprise over future enemies because the rest of the world or atleast most of the world owns the same equipment you do.
Military - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
They do it for profit, quite simply. The defense industry is an industry like any other. Just because the U.S. sells a Patriot missile system to Saudi Arabia doesn't mean Saudi now "owns the technology". Without ongoing US support, training, and parts, many systems would quickly become worthless. Iran has tons of old U.S. hardware they can't use because we stopped selling them parts and support services after the revolution. Good luck.
2 :
It's called capitalism.
3 :
They do it to make money and build international relations, it's also good because we know how their systems work, as we build them. The British Royal Navy, I'm in, sells old ships to the Bangladeshi Navy. It happens all the time, I have no problem with it, as long as the ones their replacing it with are far superior. And, if they are only sold to countries we don't consider a threat.
4 :
Obviously you sell something because you want to make money, preferably for profit.
5 :
You asked a question that falls right into my specialty. My current position is as a Security Cooperation Officer. I didn't read all the previous answers, but the ones I did read were all completely wrong. They say we do it to make a profit or to make money. Could not be more wrong! In my job, we assist our allies in developing their militaries so they can do jobs that we would otherwise need to do. In the end, it helps us. I'm currently in a position where I help equip and train forces along one of the borders with Afghanistan. Thanks in small part to our work, this country can secure its borders and stop terrorists, drug and human traffickers and this in the long run makes America safer. Back to the profit thing! In my job, I facilitate the contact between industry and the country in which I work. I help move the money and the contracts back and forth. And we are FORBIDDEN to make a profit off this. We also may not take a loss. Whatever it costs to purchase equipment and move that equipment from America to the target country is all we charge. So your position that we "make money" is incorrect. What we do is strengthen our allies. And our allies don't "own" that equipment in the sense that they can sell it to other nations. It is there only for their proper use and I have a responsibility to inspect and ensure that equipment is accounted for and is used properly.
For example, the American made M1 Abrams tank, we have sold a number of these tanks to Iraq, Australia, Egypt, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Why? The Germans have sold there Leopard 2 tank to 15 other countries, obviously so far I have only given examples of two countries tanks, but this seems to be the case with weapons and aircrafts as well. I remember hearing about Russia just making a new Jet fighter that China bought. The Russians are probably the best example of what I'm talking about here, how many countries owned and operated T-series tanks? T-72 T-80 T-90, they are like the worlds most common tank that have been in every conflict from every country even though they were originally made by the Russians. Am I the only one who thinks selling your military hardware to the rest of the world is a bad idea? sure you make money but then other countries own your technology and you no longer have a technological edge or surprise over future enemies because the rest of the world or atleast most of the world owns the same equipment you do.
Military - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
They do it for profit, quite simply. The defense industry is an industry like any other. Just because the U.S. sells a Patriot missile system to Saudi Arabia doesn't mean Saudi now "owns the technology". Without ongoing US support, training, and parts, many systems would quickly become worthless. Iran has tons of old U.S. hardware they can't use because we stopped selling them parts and support services after the revolution. Good luck.
2 :
It's called capitalism.
3 :
They do it to make money and build international relations, it's also good because we know how their systems work, as we build them. The British Royal Navy, I'm in, sells old ships to the Bangladeshi Navy. It happens all the time, I have no problem with it, as long as the ones their replacing it with are far superior. And, if they are only sold to countries we don't consider a threat.
4 :
Obviously you sell something because you want to make money, preferably for profit.
5 :
You asked a question that falls right into my specialty. My current position is as a Security Cooperation Officer. I didn't read all the previous answers, but the ones I did read were all completely wrong. They say we do it to make a profit or to make money. Could not be more wrong! In my job, we assist our allies in developing their militaries so they can do jobs that we would otherwise need to do. In the end, it helps us. I'm currently in a position where I help equip and train forces along one of the borders with Afghanistan. Thanks in small part to our work, this country can secure its borders and stop terrorists, drug and human traffickers and this in the long run makes America safer. Back to the profit thing! In my job, I facilitate the contact between industry and the country in which I work. I help move the money and the contracts back and forth. And we are FORBIDDEN to make a profit off this. We also may not take a loss. Whatever it costs to purchase equipment and move that equipment from America to the target country is all we charge. So your position that we "make money" is incorrect. What we do is strengthen our allies. And our allies don't "own" that equipment in the sense that they can sell it to other nations. It is there only for their proper use and I have a responsibility to inspect and ensure that equipment is accounted for and is used properly.
Friday, November 1, 2013
How do the US and its allies prevent making the same mistakes in the war on terror we made in the cold war?
How do the US and its allies prevent making the same mistakes in the war on terror we made in the cold war?
"For too long, many nations, including my own, tolerated, even excused, oppression in the Middle East in the name of stability. Oppression became common, but stability never arrived. We must take a different approach. We must help the reformers of the Middle East as they work for freedom, and strive to build a community of peaceful, democratic nations." George W. Bush, Speech to UN General Assembly, September 21, 2004 I mean countries like Saudi Arabia,Pakistan,can't they become a problem later and especially Pakistan,are they helping finding Osama or just taking money form both sides,same goes for Saudi Arabia. Used a Bush quote to show that this is not a partisan question at all,hope you see that. Or was Bush maybe over ambitious and SHOULD we still just put friendly dictators in place? Yeah we won that one but it can be argued our enemy today,Muslim extremism was made or encouraged by us during the cold war to fight communism.Read Osama's biography.
Politics - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Seems to me the Cold War turned out fairly well (the fall of the Soviet Union and Communism). Maybe we should be taking more from the Cold War and apply it to the War on Terror.
2 :
We need to first identify an outcome for our actions. What SPECIFICALLY is it that isn't right and what do we need to stop or prevent? We need to break this action down into manageable short and long-term goals. We need allies. We cannot go it alone. We need to build coalitions and give them buy in and responsibilities. We need public support. The issue needs to be explained in detail to the American public. The first lie exposed on the road to war diminishes credibility, subsequent lies diminishes it exponentially. We need to exhaust all options before putting our Soldiers in harm's way. Economic, diplomatic and informational options MUST be used first.
3 :
actually the greatest lesson from the Cold War was Diplomacy and Containment. We succeeded with those policies in keeping violence in the world to a minimum. Imagine we even communicated diplomatically with our enemy the USSR. I think there is much to be learned from this period that would solve our problems of today. In Iraq the overflights and economic isolation had them completely contained and the cost was positively a bargain compared to what we are dealing with now.
4 :
didn't the U.S. win that one?
5 :
It's a different type of war. We will make different mistakes.
6 :
We won the cold war, didn't we? Yes we made mistakes, but hindsight is everything. We are making mistakes now, and hopefully they will be corrected. However, national interests should not be abandoned simply because a bunch of emotional leftists think we are not doing things correctly. We have ad visors that help form these decisions, they will make mistakes, but I think they are a little smarter and have more access to information than a bunch of anti-war protesters.
7 :
War on terror is a big business
8 :
The problem is we dont know what are decisions now will cause in the future but the facts are that a stance has to be taken with the proliferation of weapons and we cant do it alone. I think the alignment with the Saudis (being one of the few full practicing shariah law countries) are one of the worst things we could do but we have a drug addition to oil. This is one of the reason I think Iraq was so important to us. (but I digress) The cold war was between two semi rational countries that knew that if a nuclear war started it would kill billions of people but the people we face now have no regard for their own life. they are willing to kill them selves; so a nuclear standoff is not something they would use to stop their ideology. None of us know enough about these other countries and the reason we have done or will do what we will do with them so to condemn our govt for aligning with them is a little harsh to me. As we saw in Indiana Jones we have alot of different cups in front of us and we may chose wisely or poorly but we must choose to try to solve a global problem that if left unattended could destroy us all.
9 :
Th enemy today is directly related to the war on communism. All of it the whole effing thing. Anyone with a brain can make the correlation between the war on terror and the war on communism. Both bloated mistakes of the US that started wars and caused thousands their lives whilst lining the pockets of the military industrial complex. An endless war after all is the best way to co ntrol the people.
"For too long, many nations, including my own, tolerated, even excused, oppression in the Middle East in the name of stability. Oppression became common, but stability never arrived. We must take a different approach. We must help the reformers of the Middle East as they work for freedom, and strive to build a community of peaceful, democratic nations." George W. Bush, Speech to UN General Assembly, September 21, 2004 I mean countries like Saudi Arabia,Pakistan,can't they become a problem later and especially Pakistan,are they helping finding Osama or just taking money form both sides,same goes for Saudi Arabia. Used a Bush quote to show that this is not a partisan question at all,hope you see that. Or was Bush maybe over ambitious and SHOULD we still just put friendly dictators in place? Yeah we won that one but it can be argued our enemy today,Muslim extremism was made or encouraged by us during the cold war to fight communism.Read Osama's biography.
Politics - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Seems to me the Cold War turned out fairly well (the fall of the Soviet Union and Communism). Maybe we should be taking more from the Cold War and apply it to the War on Terror.
2 :
We need to first identify an outcome for our actions. What SPECIFICALLY is it that isn't right and what do we need to stop or prevent? We need to break this action down into manageable short and long-term goals. We need allies. We cannot go it alone. We need to build coalitions and give them buy in and responsibilities. We need public support. The issue needs to be explained in detail to the American public. The first lie exposed on the road to war diminishes credibility, subsequent lies diminishes it exponentially. We need to exhaust all options before putting our Soldiers in harm's way. Economic, diplomatic and informational options MUST be used first.
3 :
actually the greatest lesson from the Cold War was Diplomacy and Containment. We succeeded with those policies in keeping violence in the world to a minimum. Imagine we even communicated diplomatically with our enemy the USSR. I think there is much to be learned from this period that would solve our problems of today. In Iraq the overflights and economic isolation had them completely contained and the cost was positively a bargain compared to what we are dealing with now.
4 :
didn't the U.S. win that one?
5 :
It's a different type of war. We will make different mistakes.
6 :
We won the cold war, didn't we? Yes we made mistakes, but hindsight is everything. We are making mistakes now, and hopefully they will be corrected. However, national interests should not be abandoned simply because a bunch of emotional leftists think we are not doing things correctly. We have ad visors that help form these decisions, they will make mistakes, but I think they are a little smarter and have more access to information than a bunch of anti-war protesters.
7 :
War on terror is a big business
8 :
The problem is we dont know what are decisions now will cause in the future but the facts are that a stance has to be taken with the proliferation of weapons and we cant do it alone. I think the alignment with the Saudis (being one of the few full practicing shariah law countries) are one of the worst things we could do but we have a drug addition to oil. This is one of the reason I think Iraq was so important to us. (but I digress) The cold war was between two semi rational countries that knew that if a nuclear war started it would kill billions of people but the people we face now have no regard for their own life. they are willing to kill them selves; so a nuclear standoff is not something they would use to stop their ideology. None of us know enough about these other countries and the reason we have done or will do what we will do with them so to condemn our govt for aligning with them is a little harsh to me. As we saw in Indiana Jones we have alot of different cups in front of us and we may chose wisely or poorly but we must choose to try to solve a global problem that if left unattended could destroy us all.
9 :
Th enemy today is directly related to the war on communism. All of it the whole effing thing. Anyone with a brain can make the correlation between the war on terror and the war on communism. Both bloated mistakes of the US that started wars and caused thousands their lives whilst lining the pockets of the military industrial complex. An endless war after all is the best way to co ntrol the people.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Americans would you consider someone a traitor if they did this,or just an inhumane individual?
Americans would you consider someone a traitor if they did this,or just an inhumane individual?
Okay it is from an outline of a novel I am writing. The novel starts off in 2010. The United States is in a war with Pakistan.The lead character (currently unnamed)a 17 year old, joins the army in mid 2009 to go to the war. He is near fluent in Arabic. Not long after being in the army (2023) he goes AWOL during patrol, and sneaks into Afghanistan.While in Afghanistan he explains to the people how they need to overthrow the corrupt Taliban government.He eventually gets a devotes group of some 2000 people. Inspired by the WTC attacks (which took place in 1997 in the novel's world), he recruits two pilots from a fictional airline company to crash airliners,loaded with explosives into fictional skyscrapers in Kabul.He eventually meets and falls in love with an American girl named Melody who has renounced her American citizenship and is hiding out in Afghanistan.The group eventually accumulate weaponry from former terrorists groups that have broken off the government.The pilots make homemade impact explosives they will carry with them on the flight.The attack takes place on 4th,May,2016. By the time of the attack about 10,000 people have joined the group including former terrorists.Some 2000 are killed in the attack,in contrast to over 300,000 civilians killed in Kabul as well as the defeat of the government and troops in the immediate area. He takes over as leader and starts poppy trade with most of Europe and Eastern Asia in 2017, in addition to changing Afghanistan's name to the "Nations of Resistance or the N.O.R which it is commonly referred to in the novel's world.In 2031 he organizes extensive bombing raids on Iran,Armenia,Azerbaijan,Kuwait,Saudi Arabia,Yemen,Oman,U.A.E, Lebanon, Syria, and Georgia. The plan of the surprise attacks are to render the economies in these countries so useless, that they will be force to become opium farmers and the N.O.R will pay them for the services, so they can rebuild themselves as part of the N.O.R. The plan works, and the N.O.R becomes the first empire like nation since the Soviet Union.Throughout the years most of the damaged areas of the nations are repaired and are contributing greatly to the trade of opium/hashish/peyote(which grows naturally in the region in the novel) throughout the world. Eventually he becomes the 4th richest person in the world due to this, and gives money as end of the year bonuses of about $10,000 dollars to the farmers (most of the time they only make about $3.50/hour, while the man controlling the farm gets about 3k an hour. Syria eventually wants to leave the N.O.R (they are the only part of the nation contributing poorly and still in bad shape from the attacks, they are usually simply given money to get by).As a result of this he pulls the money they receive and withdraws all medical support,etc. The area that was formally Syria virtually becomes an area full of starvation,disease,and crime.Many Americans move to the are for the benefit of having a poppy farm and making money from it.Many in America view him as an inhumane murderer, but some go simply for the monetary value of owning a poppy farm.He and Melody have two kids together who he raises to be like him as a successor to him, for when he dies, he explains to raise his son the same way so they cycle for being a nation will go on for millenia.His execution style is that he takes the prisoner down the isle, destroying things of important value, pictures,things sentimental to the person etc.At the end of the hall if the prisoner has a spouse he kills her/him then the person themselves. This is all I have got to so far the year 2056. So do you think he should be the protagonist as well as the villain. What do you characterize his personality as? Would you consider him a traitor to America?
Politics - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I would consider him a VERY inhumane person. As an American and Egyptian.
2 :
I m also sure with Martina
Okay it is from an outline of a novel I am writing. The novel starts off in 2010. The United States is in a war with Pakistan.The lead character (currently unnamed)a 17 year old, joins the army in mid 2009 to go to the war. He is near fluent in Arabic. Not long after being in the army (2023) he goes AWOL during patrol, and sneaks into Afghanistan.While in Afghanistan he explains to the people how they need to overthrow the corrupt Taliban government.He eventually gets a devotes group of some 2000 people. Inspired by the WTC attacks (which took place in 1997 in the novel's world), he recruits two pilots from a fictional airline company to crash airliners,loaded with explosives into fictional skyscrapers in Kabul.He eventually meets and falls in love with an American girl named Melody who has renounced her American citizenship and is hiding out in Afghanistan.The group eventually accumulate weaponry from former terrorists groups that have broken off the government.The pilots make homemade impact explosives they will carry with them on the flight.The attack takes place on 4th,May,2016. By the time of the attack about 10,000 people have joined the group including former terrorists.Some 2000 are killed in the attack,in contrast to over 300,000 civilians killed in Kabul as well as the defeat of the government and troops in the immediate area. He takes over as leader and starts poppy trade with most of Europe and Eastern Asia in 2017, in addition to changing Afghanistan's name to the "Nations of Resistance or the N.O.R which it is commonly referred to in the novel's world.In 2031 he organizes extensive bombing raids on Iran,Armenia,Azerbaijan,Kuwait,Saudi Arabia,Yemen,Oman,U.A.E, Lebanon, Syria, and Georgia. The plan of the surprise attacks are to render the economies in these countries so useless, that they will be force to become opium farmers and the N.O.R will pay them for the services, so they can rebuild themselves as part of the N.O.R. The plan works, and the N.O.R becomes the first empire like nation since the Soviet Union.Throughout the years most of the damaged areas of the nations are repaired and are contributing greatly to the trade of opium/hashish/peyote(which grows naturally in the region in the novel) throughout the world. Eventually he becomes the 4th richest person in the world due to this, and gives money as end of the year bonuses of about $10,000 dollars to the farmers (most of the time they only make about $3.50/hour, while the man controlling the farm gets about 3k an hour. Syria eventually wants to leave the N.O.R (they are the only part of the nation contributing poorly and still in bad shape from the attacks, they are usually simply given money to get by).As a result of this he pulls the money they receive and withdraws all medical support,etc. The area that was formally Syria virtually becomes an area full of starvation,disease,and crime.Many Americans move to the are for the benefit of having a poppy farm and making money from it.Many in America view him as an inhumane murderer, but some go simply for the monetary value of owning a poppy farm.He and Melody have two kids together who he raises to be like him as a successor to him, for when he dies, he explains to raise his son the same way so they cycle for being a nation will go on for millenia.His execution style is that he takes the prisoner down the isle, destroying things of important value, pictures,things sentimental to the person etc.At the end of the hall if the prisoner has a spouse he kills her/him then the person themselves. This is all I have got to so far the year 2056. So do you think he should be the protagonist as well as the villain. What do you characterize his personality as? Would you consider him a traitor to America?
Politics - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I would consider him a VERY inhumane person. As an American and Egyptian.
2 :
I m also sure with Martina
Monday, October 14, 2013
Why does every american think that muslims are terrorists.?
Why does every american think that muslims are terrorists.?
not everyone but most do, and it pisses me off. look i'm 16 and i've been asked things like "are you gonna blow me up?" (get your mind outta the gutter, not that kind) "Are you a terrorist" "Are you friends with Alqida" "do you own bombs" stuff like that. I mean come on. my people are effing poor, not every arab/muslim country is as rich as Saudi Arabia, and Dubi. We dont have money to make weapons to defend ourselves. (not me but the people living oversees) Why??? AMERICA AND ISRAEL are killing them.
Religion & Spirituality - 33 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
Well muslims sure don't help their cause by continually shouting hatred and death threats on western countries...
3 :
people are scared
4 :
you generalize.
5 :
6 :
Fox News keeps perpetrating that lie.
7 :
That's not true. I know plenty of people who don't believe that, and I don't either. But I know what you're saying... Too many Americans are prejudiced against what they don't understand. I am sorry that you have to go through this all the time.
8 :
this reminds me of something i read the other day, it said that americans acting like every muslim is a terrorist would be like the rest of the world acting like all americans are the way they are on the show Jersey Shore
9 :
Why do people in other countries think most Americans are alike? We are all individuals with different ideas about lots of things.
10 :
I was planning to ask this Persian girl I've seen if she was planning to steal uranium from Australia.
11 :
We are wrong for stereotyping yet you stereotype us.
12 :
you are not a terrorist, but you are a terrorism justifier most muslims appear to be, and the rest are terrorists
13 :
I'm an American and I sure don't think every Muslim is a terrorist.
14 :
How about this. I know that not every Muslim is a terrorist but most are, and it pisses me off. Welcome to the wonderful world of sweeping generalizations. You made them. I made them. But guess what ? Every Muslim supports Islam. Is it OK with you if I judge your ideology ? It sucks. First off, it's an Abrahamic day dream. Unproven and complete rubbish. Grow up and join the modern world, a place where rape victims aren't supposed to be stoned to death and where it's OK to be gay and it's OK for women to dress how they damn well please. Second, it's the source of a whole lot of atrocity. And that's not just 'a few radical Muslims'. That's whole countries of Muslims. The people overseas don't have money to make weapons ? How does that justify terrorism ? How does it justify terrorism against people in groups who've never done anything to you ? Once again, your total divorce from reality land, typical of Abrahamic thumpers, does not serve you. America and Israel are killing who ? The Palestinians ? Hey, they kinda bring that on themselves. As for the Americans, we're just supporting Israel, a tiny little country. There are only 16 million or so Jews in the world. There are @ 1.6 billion Muslims. Are they that big a thorn in your side ? Just stop shooting rockets at them. And how does that justify Muslims who aren't from Palestine (not even a real country but hey, whatever), 1) killing infidels b/c they're infidels, 2) raping women b/c they're not 'properly covered up', 3) killing their own kids for 'honor', 4) killing other Muslims. Yeah, you guys blow each other up. It's no surprise that you also blow up people who aren't even Muslims. And Muslims do this practically every fucking day. Why ? B/c Islam supports terrorism. Obviously. Unless you think there are Jews with "Mind Control Rays" lurking behind every corner or something. Is that facetious ? Not really, considering what else you believe in. 21st century. Join it.
15 :
B/c the illuminati rules all the media and choose what to show. They want people to see us as that so they can believe that was Islam is. Which is totally the opposite
16 :
Christians think they can start a war against you so they don't feel that their religion is threatened by your beliefs. Sorry.
17 :
they do not 9/11 fabrication
18 :
Many bought into the 9/11 terror terror terror theme.
19 :
I wish I could give you a suitable answer. I was born in Karachi, Pakistan, my family lived there for three years and they made many Muslim friends. We then lived in Doha, Qatar for five years and in both places we found the Muslim population warm and friendly. Of course there are bad apples like there are in any ethnicity. I can only assume that poor media has brainwashed a large population of the U.S. against Muslims/Arabs. Sadly it is called ignorance. Tragically it isn't just the U.S. where this blind ignorance exists. German's Angela Merkel has cited that multiculturalism doesn't work in Germany, the same for England by David Cameron. Many European countries politics have taken a steep turn to extreme right wing idealogies which puerile beliefs are against Muslims and other immigrants.
20 :
Because GW Bush and his ilk pushed that idea on us. The best way to control people and get them to give up their rights is to create a common enemy, make everyone afraid of them (rational or not), and then pretend the government is the only one who can protect you from them. It made it easier to declare war on Muslim countries with no just cause whatsoever. It's the same thing Hitler did with the Jews. But it's not all Americans. Sadly, a very vocal group is representing us in the press and making us look like ignorant idiots. People in this country are largely ignorant about non-Christian religions. They think that because a handful of people did a criminal act, all Muslims are terrorists. But when you try to use the same example with Christian terrorists, well then it's a different thing. It's very sad. We need to teach people about the Muslim faith. And other faiths as well. People don't want to get to know Muslims as individuals, they want to see them as a group and condemn them all by the acts of a few. And people don't want to know. That's what's really sad. They don't want to understand what Muslims are about, they would rather listen to the rantings of the ignorant right wing media.
21 :
Because the moderate Mahometans do not object loudly enough to the extremists.
22 :
Most? I know a lot of people, and I can't think of more than a handful of them who think that. The answer is that you're're going to hear a lot of stupid things from other 16 year-olds, who are not notable either for their tact or their coherent take on the world, and who think that saying outrageous, if not downright rude or stupid things, is somehow funny. Some kids will try to find something they can pick on about you, no matter what it is. I'm not Muslim, but I have red hair, I wore glasses as a teenager, and I wasn't thin as a rail in high school, and I heard an awful lot of stupid questions about all three of those things from people trying to be clever and make me feel worse so they could feel better about themselves. People grow up. Don't worry about it too much.
23 :
I'm tempted to say that it's because islam is a more primitive superstition that christianity, which is quite a feat. But more likely it's due to the "availabiltiy heuristic", which is to say that the example of something that comes to mind is the example they've seen the most of - which is why many americans think flying is more dangerous than driving, when it's the exact opposite, purely because more sensational, memorable examples of airplane crashes are presented by the media than car crashes. Yeah, besides religious prejudice, this is the most likely answer.
24 :
Experience. Sorry. Somebody who looks just like you will be the next one arrested with weapons and a plan. How are we supposed to know it's not you?
25 :
I understand that most muslims are not terrorists, but I also understand that most of the terrorists who are alive and active today are muslims.
26 :
That would be from Beck and his paranoid delusional Caliphic takeover...what a fascist he is. The religious right is brainwashed into it. Don't worry, they are a minority just very negatively vocal
27 :
Fox News.
28 :
I don't think that every Muslim is a terrorist. I know that a very, very small portion of the Muslim/Arab population is a terrorist. They are human beings and for the most part just like anyone else. I have several Muslim friends and it upsets me when people generalize. Not all of us think that you are terrorists, but too many do.
29 :
Blessings. Because they do not realized that there are good and bad Muslims . Just like all over the World we have good and bad people. But the main problem is that most people are afraid of Muslims, because of the things people says about them, we can blame the media for this. I don't think that all muslims are Terrorists. I enjoyed all of my muslims friends they respect me and i respect them.
30 :
It would probably help your standing if more of the moderate Muslims would speak out against the radicals. But they don't and quietly accept what it is. Those few extremist are tainting the rest of you and you are letting it happen by not speaking out against it. Honestly, What are we supposed to think already? Women, children, mentally deficient people, what ever; strapped up with bombs. The extremist have done an excellent job instilling fear in everyone. Isn't that their goal? They have done a great job. And just like in Egypt, it will be the youth who will rise up against. We'll see. Everyone is too afraid.
31 :
I have this to say to you, my friend. I live in the United States, in Tennessee to be more precise. If you live in this country and are anywhere near me or will be, let me know when and the coffee will be on, pop in the "make yourself at home" refrigerator and the welcome mat is out. Need a place to sleep overnight? I have extra pillows. Not from this country but you someday get the chance to visit? Let me know when you are coming and I will throw you such a welcome party that you will be hugging everyone before you leave, and you will not be leaving friends behind, you will be leaving family behind. Peace *********** Answer to your question. It pisses me off as well. Why do so many feel that way? There are so many reasons people feel that way but it boils down to just two basic things, fear and ignorance. But we were not born into fear and ignorance can be overcome. By the by, my invitation was a serious one. Don't believe me? Put me to the test!
32 :
Wow. That's immature that people have said things like that to you. I'm sorry if you were offended. I think that 9/11 just pissed us Americans off so much that we are really defensive now. I personally don't think that every Muslim person is a terrorist and that thought doesn't even cross my mind when I see a Muslim person. Americans are just upset about 9/11.
33 :
Why Do You Think EVERY American Thinks That Every Muslim Is A Terrorist?
not everyone but most do, and it pisses me off. look i'm 16 and i've been asked things like "are you gonna blow me up?" (get your mind outta the gutter, not that kind) "Are you a terrorist" "Are you friends with Alqida" "do you own bombs" stuff like that. I mean come on. my people are effing poor, not every arab/muslim country is as rich as Saudi Arabia, and Dubi. We dont have money to make weapons to defend ourselves. (not me but the people living oversees) Why??? AMERICA AND ISRAEL are killing them.
Religion & Spirituality - 33 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
Well muslims sure don't help their cause by continually shouting hatred and death threats on western countries...
3 :
people are scared
4 :
you generalize.
5 :
6 :
Fox News keeps perpetrating that lie.
7 :
That's not true. I know plenty of people who don't believe that, and I don't either. But I know what you're saying... Too many Americans are prejudiced against what they don't understand. I am sorry that you have to go through this all the time.
8 :
this reminds me of something i read the other day, it said that americans acting like every muslim is a terrorist would be like the rest of the world acting like all americans are the way they are on the show Jersey Shore
9 :
Why do people in other countries think most Americans are alike? We are all individuals with different ideas about lots of things.
10 :
I was planning to ask this Persian girl I've seen if she was planning to steal uranium from Australia.
11 :
We are wrong for stereotyping yet you stereotype us.
12 :
you are not a terrorist, but you are a terrorism justifier most muslims appear to be, and the rest are terrorists
13 :
I'm an American and I sure don't think every Muslim is a terrorist.
14 :
How about this. I know that not every Muslim is a terrorist but most are, and it pisses me off. Welcome to the wonderful world of sweeping generalizations. You made them. I made them. But guess what ? Every Muslim supports Islam. Is it OK with you if I judge your ideology ? It sucks. First off, it's an Abrahamic day dream. Unproven and complete rubbish. Grow up and join the modern world, a place where rape victims aren't supposed to be stoned to death and where it's OK to be gay and it's OK for women to dress how they damn well please. Second, it's the source of a whole lot of atrocity. And that's not just 'a few radical Muslims'. That's whole countries of Muslims. The people overseas don't have money to make weapons ? How does that justify terrorism ? How does it justify terrorism against people in groups who've never done anything to you ? Once again, your total divorce from reality land, typical of Abrahamic thumpers, does not serve you. America and Israel are killing who ? The Palestinians ? Hey, they kinda bring that on themselves. As for the Americans, we're just supporting Israel, a tiny little country. There are only 16 million or so Jews in the world. There are @ 1.6 billion Muslims. Are they that big a thorn in your side ? Just stop shooting rockets at them. And how does that justify Muslims who aren't from Palestine (not even a real country but hey, whatever), 1) killing infidels b/c they're infidels, 2) raping women b/c they're not 'properly covered up', 3) killing their own kids for 'honor', 4) killing other Muslims. Yeah, you guys blow each other up. It's no surprise that you also blow up people who aren't even Muslims. And Muslims do this practically every fucking day. Why ? B/c Islam supports terrorism. Obviously. Unless you think there are Jews with "Mind Control Rays" lurking behind every corner or something. Is that facetious ? Not really, considering what else you believe in. 21st century. Join it.
15 :
B/c the illuminati rules all the media and choose what to show. They want people to see us as that so they can believe that was Islam is. Which is totally the opposite
16 :
Christians think they can start a war against you so they don't feel that their religion is threatened by your beliefs. Sorry.
17 :
they do not 9/11 fabrication
18 :
Many bought into the 9/11 terror terror terror theme.
19 :
I wish I could give you a suitable answer. I was born in Karachi, Pakistan, my family lived there for three years and they made many Muslim friends. We then lived in Doha, Qatar for five years and in both places we found the Muslim population warm and friendly. Of course there are bad apples like there are in any ethnicity. I can only assume that poor media has brainwashed a large population of the U.S. against Muslims/Arabs. Sadly it is called ignorance. Tragically it isn't just the U.S. where this blind ignorance exists. German's Angela Merkel has cited that multiculturalism doesn't work in Germany, the same for England by David Cameron. Many European countries politics have taken a steep turn to extreme right wing idealogies which puerile beliefs are against Muslims and other immigrants.
20 :
Because GW Bush and his ilk pushed that idea on us. The best way to control people and get them to give up their rights is to create a common enemy, make everyone afraid of them (rational or not), and then pretend the government is the only one who can protect you from them. It made it easier to declare war on Muslim countries with no just cause whatsoever. It's the same thing Hitler did with the Jews. But it's not all Americans. Sadly, a very vocal group is representing us in the press and making us look like ignorant idiots. People in this country are largely ignorant about non-Christian religions. They think that because a handful of people did a criminal act, all Muslims are terrorists. But when you try to use the same example with Christian terrorists, well then it's a different thing. It's very sad. We need to teach people about the Muslim faith. And other faiths as well. People don't want to get to know Muslims as individuals, they want to see them as a group and condemn them all by the acts of a few. And people don't want to know. That's what's really sad. They don't want to understand what Muslims are about, they would rather listen to the rantings of the ignorant right wing media.
21 :
Because the moderate Mahometans do not object loudly enough to the extremists.
22 :
Most? I know a lot of people, and I can't think of more than a handful of them who think that. The answer is that you're're going to hear a lot of stupid things from other 16 year-olds, who are not notable either for their tact or their coherent take on the world, and who think that saying outrageous, if not downright rude or stupid things, is somehow funny. Some kids will try to find something they can pick on about you, no matter what it is. I'm not Muslim, but I have red hair, I wore glasses as a teenager, and I wasn't thin as a rail in high school, and I heard an awful lot of stupid questions about all three of those things from people trying to be clever and make me feel worse so they could feel better about themselves. People grow up. Don't worry about it too much.
23 :
I'm tempted to say that it's because islam is a more primitive superstition that christianity, which is quite a feat. But more likely it's due to the "availabiltiy heuristic", which is to say that the example of something that comes to mind is the example they've seen the most of - which is why many americans think flying is more dangerous than driving, when it's the exact opposite, purely because more sensational, memorable examples of airplane crashes are presented by the media than car crashes. Yeah, besides religious prejudice, this is the most likely answer.
24 :
Experience. Sorry. Somebody who looks just like you will be the next one arrested with weapons and a plan. How are we supposed to know it's not you?
25 :
I understand that most muslims are not terrorists, but I also understand that most of the terrorists who are alive and active today are muslims.
26 :
That would be from Beck and his paranoid delusional Caliphic takeover...what a fascist he is. The religious right is brainwashed into it. Don't worry, they are a minority just very negatively vocal
27 :
Fox News.
28 :
I don't think that every Muslim is a terrorist. I know that a very, very small portion of the Muslim/Arab population is a terrorist. They are human beings and for the most part just like anyone else. I have several Muslim friends and it upsets me when people generalize. Not all of us think that you are terrorists, but too many do.
29 :
Blessings. Because they do not realized that there are good and bad Muslims . Just like all over the World we have good and bad people. But the main problem is that most people are afraid of Muslims, because of the things people says about them, we can blame the media for this. I don't think that all muslims are Terrorists. I enjoyed all of my muslims friends they respect me and i respect them.
30 :
It would probably help your standing if more of the moderate Muslims would speak out against the radicals. But they don't and quietly accept what it is. Those few extremist are tainting the rest of you and you are letting it happen by not speaking out against it. Honestly, What are we supposed to think already? Women, children, mentally deficient people, what ever; strapped up with bombs. The extremist have done an excellent job instilling fear in everyone. Isn't that their goal? They have done a great job. And just like in Egypt, it will be the youth who will rise up against. We'll see. Everyone is too afraid.
31 :
I have this to say to you, my friend. I live in the United States, in Tennessee to be more precise. If you live in this country and are anywhere near me or will be, let me know when and the coffee will be on, pop in the "make yourself at home" refrigerator and the welcome mat is out. Need a place to sleep overnight? I have extra pillows. Not from this country but you someday get the chance to visit? Let me know when you are coming and I will throw you such a welcome party that you will be hugging everyone before you leave, and you will not be leaving friends behind, you will be leaving family behind. Peace *********** Answer to your question. It pisses me off as well. Why do so many feel that way? There are so many reasons people feel that way but it boils down to just two basic things, fear and ignorance. But we were not born into fear and ignorance can be overcome. By the by, my invitation was a serious one. Don't believe me? Put me to the test!
32 :
Wow. That's immature that people have said things like that to you. I'm sorry if you were offended. I think that 9/11 just pissed us Americans off so much that we are really defensive now. I personally don't think that every Muslim person is a terrorist and that thought doesn't even cross my mind when I see a Muslim person. Americans are just upset about 9/11.
33 :
Why Do You Think EVERY American Thinks That Every Muslim Is A Terrorist?
Monday, October 7, 2013
What do you guys think of this? Reaction paper to banning the building of mosques in Switzerland?
What do you guys think of this? Reaction paper to banning the building of mosques in Switzerland?
College paper Muslims in the West are constantly making demands for freedom: freedom to build mosques, freedom to wear the burka and hijab, freedom to practice Sharia law. They generally present these demands as basic rights owed to them by the countries in which they live. And Western liberals Ć¢€” even those opposed to the Islamic agenda Ć¢€” are hard-pressed to rebuff them. This is due to a faulty conceptualization of the issue. A new approach must be adopted. LetĆ¢€™s call it Ć¢€ÅLinkageĆ¢€. The idea is simple: Muslims have no rights in Western lands as long as non-Muslims are being persecuted in Muslim lands. Some simple examples: 1. No more mosques in the West, until there is a church in Mecca. 2. No freedom to wear Muslim clothing in the West, until all women have the freedom to wear whatever they want in Mecca. 3. No more funding of Islamic education and proselytizing in the West, until all faiths are free to establish schools, libraries and missions in Mecca. 4. No foot baths for Muslims, until there are holy water dispensers for Christians in Mecca. etc. We all know whatĆ¢€™s going on in Mecca. Christians, Jews and other faiths are barred entry in a form of Islamic apartheid. In Mecca, churches are illegal. The Bible and the cross are illegal. Priests are illegal. Preaching Christianity and other faiths is punishable by imprisonment, torture and death. Converting to Christianity or another faith is punishable by imprisonment, torture and death. In short, the heartland of Islam is one of the most appalling hellholes of religious intolerance in the world today. Yet Muslims have the gall to demand footbaths and other frivolous perks in our lands. The hypocrisy reeks like a sewer. ItĆ¢€™s obscene, and even the most unconcerned layman can immediately perceive the unfairness. Muslims are only concerned for freedom when they are on the receiving end. This is my proposal: We in the anti-Jihad movement should adopt the principle of Ć¢€ÅLinkageĆ¢€ as a war cry. We should repeat it like a broken record. Advocate it relentlessly on blogs and in street demonstrations. Distribute flyers. Pressure politicians. Run television ads. Make it into T-shirts and hats and coffee mugs. Glue posters to walls with really stubborn glue. DEMAND fairness! The principle of linkage is already making inroads. Last year, the Russians demanded a quid pro quo from the Saudis: A Saudi Mosque in Moscow in Exchange for a Russian Church in Mecca? The king of Saudi Arabia has announced that he is ready to support the construction of a mosque and Islamic cultural center in Moscow, a city with only four mosques for its more than two million Muslims. In response and probably to block this, Orthodox Christians in Russia have called for opening a church in Saudi Arabia. After the Saudi offer was reported, three Russian Orthodox groups Ć¢€” the Moscow section of the Union of Orthodox Citizens, the Radonezh Society, and the Byzantine Club Ć¢€” released an open letter to Saudi King Abdullah suggesting that there should be another mosque in Moscow only after a Russian Orthodox church was opened in Mecca. Jean-Louis Cardinal Toran, the head of the Papal Council on Inter-religious Dialogue, agrees: If Muslims consider it correct to have a large and beautiful mosque in Rome, then it is equally correct for Christians to have a church in Riyadh. Alison Ruoff, a prominent evangelical member of the Church of EnglandĆ¢€™s General Synod, has applied linkage: Mrs Ruoff, a former magistrate, said in an interview with LondonĆ¢€™s Premier Christian Radio that no more mosques should be built in Britain until all persecution of Christians in Muslim nations had ceased. The British writer Adrian Morgan raises the same point: Yet when one sees the number of mosques being erected in Britain, often with money from Saudi Arabia, I wonder why no Far Left individual raises the question of hypocrisy. Saudi Arabia funds the export of Islam around the world (even to Nepal), yet prevents any Bibles from being brought into their kingdom. No churches are allowed to be built in Saudi Arabia, and migrant workers who hold unofficial Christian services have been jailed. Similarly in Pakistan, Christians are a minority group, yet they are persecuted mercilessly. In Malaysia, no one is allowed to leave Islam and Buddhists, Hindus and Christians are legally defined as second-class citizens, and yet Malaysia regards itself as upholding a Ć¢€ÅcivilizationalĆ¢€ form of Islam. The principle of linkage is gaining momentum. With the help of everyone in the Counterjihad community, we can broaden it into an avalanche.
Ramadan - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
no linkage needed!!!!!!!!!!!!! but I can't see this question lasting long
2 :
Sounds like a reasonable fair exchange.
3 :
Whether linkage is gaining momentum or not but this is the second time around that the Swiss showed their ugly side to the World, all that talk of neutrality obviously had angles in hindsight. The issue of whether minarets are representative of Islam is besides the point. The issue is, it was perceived by those who voted against it. Lets not forget in all this that 43% voted in favor. The arguments will only become valid if the Western nations open their markets to the third world, security council and the non proliferation structure lose its veto by the West and China. And the Western countries agree to pay environmental tax to the poor and developing countries. To demand social equality from the comfort of "closed door" policies is the worse type of hypocrisy. At the same time, let it be a warning to us that one of the most contentious aspect of the so called Muslim dress code, Niqab was successfully deployed as instrument of publicity to drum up support against the building of minarets. Instead of appeasing the sect centric Mullahs. it is about time we face up to the reality that the stereotype of a Muslim is well and stubbornly in place, Hijab for women and beards for men. Unlike conventional stereotypes, this is is a gift from us to "them". Instead of concentrating on the Hijab and beard if we were to emulate the best example of the Prophet Pbuh as per the advice of God Himself, we would do much better in promoting our religion and way of life. We should focus more on God, the Day of Judgment and remembrance of God as the verse Quran 33:21 clearly spells out and not twist it to mean physical appearance or worse. Once we are able to place the verses in context and act them out, then the qualities of true Momins, the qualities of truthfulness, humbleness, generosity and courage for the right reasons will shine through. We must not spend our time forever explaining away why we look the way we look but to use the opportunity to attract people to Islam by who we are and not how we look.
4 :
Hypocrites can't handle the truth. This is a well spoken, honest, logical, well written piece of writing.
5 :
Let me ask you - does Saudi Arabia or any of the Islamic Countries permit the Muslims from other lands to immigrate there? No. Don't take my word for it, check it out. Even a baby born in these countries doesn't have the Right for Naturalization. Then, on what basis do the Muslims assume they have the Rights here? Except for the fact that our Liberals are foolishly hoping to build their Vote Banks with these immigrants at our cost, there's no logic in our allowing these people to come here. Most of them have no skills, no education and are coming here for the dole and benefits, because our Liberals are "wise" enough to give them all that at our cost. Why are we allowing the Liberals and their PC Brigades to do this to us? Let's first get rid of these unscrupulous Politicians from our midst and let the Conservative take care of the Muslims and resolve this issue. No amount of our saying anything else is worth our doing this, now. This BS about the Muslims need to be educated and helped has gone on for long enough. Send all the Muslims to their precious Islamic Countries and the problem will resolve on it's own. The Muslims will make a mess of their economies and fight and kill each other there. All the richest Islamic Countries will go broke if they have to take the burden of their Muslims. Not to mention, they'll find out, first hand, what it's like for them to have to host such people. Serve them jolly well right, if you ask me.
6 :
LOL. Please submit this paper to your faculty. Nowadays faculty routinely check papers on the web for plagiarism and it will make smile when you are dismissed from university for your plagiarism of copyrighted works by Baron Bodissey and Adrian Morgan.
7 :
since Saudis do not allow non muslims to live in Saudi Arabia what is the point in building a church? i understand if there were a community of Christians living there just as there are communities of muslims living in switzerland and Russia otherwise i really don't see the point in building one! If you don't LIKE THE ACTIONS OF THE MIDDLE EAST WHY ACT SO HYPOCRITICAL by deciding to act like them by oppressing muslims in the West? why should they be oppressed for the actions of other islamic governments? where is the freedom and justice in this? why should they suffer for others actions?What is wrong in Saudi giving and donating money for building mosques? you wouldn't mind if Israel were giving money for jewish communities to build their synagogues would you lol!?!?! its all just bloody hypocrisy. i think it's disgusting that you have the nerve to talk about non muslims being persecuted in Arabia and yet you feel it would be ideal and necessary to persecute muslims in the West to prove a point, surely this goes against your own moral beliefs?
8 :
Why neglect to mention that the Middle Eastern countries' laws are based on the Islaamic religion, and the American laws formed by the founding fathers were based on the idea that all religions would be granted freedom? This is why there is no double standard; the Constitution promises religious freedom, Shari'ah does not. Islaamic countries are under no obligation to allow the building of churches and the likes.
9 :
peace upon you noise is not faith pan minarats does not effect truth faith [silly move] there are 2000 years old Churches in the heart of the Holy Land, even after the killining of 1million Muslims at hand of crusaders Omar blessed, the 2nd Khalifa while freeing Jerusalem was invited to take the city key from the Bishops, while he was in the Church, afternoon prayer time came. he was asked the Bishops to pray in the Church, he gently refused saying: "may be fanatics might turn it into a mosque. he walked out and prayed in the out door, this spot became= Omar's mosque. we do not ask to build mosque in the Vatican which we respect as holy Chirstian shrine. as for Churches in Saudi Arabia= there is in Provence of Najran= where there is Christians from before Islam era. there are no Christians in Rhyadh, but, there are Muslims in Europe: == This article deals with the history and evolution of the Islamic religion in Europe. According to the German Central Institute Islam Archive, the total number of Muslims in Europe in 2007 was about 53 million, including 16 million in the European "2. No freedom to wear Muslim clothing in the West, until all women have the freedom to wear whatever they want in Mecca." all three religions used to wear head cover= men and women: Genesis 24:65 and asked the servant, "Who is that man in the field coming to meet us?" "He is my master," the servant answered. So she took her veil and covered herself. [in Europe, up until WW2, veil was worn by Jews and Christians][you can see that in war documentaries] "3. No more funding of Islamic education and proselytizing in the West, until all faiths are free to establish schools, libraries and missions in Mecca." Mecca is place of pure faith zone, Christians became slaves to the Romans through Paul who created fake teachings, and Constantine who destroyed some Gospels that show the lies of Paul. To suggest, as some historians (and many others with axes to grind) have done, that Constantine rescued the Christian church from persecution is fantasy. Christians had enjoyed complete tolerance in the Roman Empire from 260-302. More importantly, Christians were persecuted by the regime that Constantine constructed. we, Muslims are the ONLY still followers of the prophets. you are senselessly attacking decency for no logical reason
College paper Muslims in the West are constantly making demands for freedom: freedom to build mosques, freedom to wear the burka and hijab, freedom to practice Sharia law. They generally present these demands as basic rights owed to them by the countries in which they live. And Western liberals Ć¢€” even those opposed to the Islamic agenda Ć¢€” are hard-pressed to rebuff them. This is due to a faulty conceptualization of the issue. A new approach must be adopted. LetĆ¢€™s call it Ć¢€ÅLinkageĆ¢€. The idea is simple: Muslims have no rights in Western lands as long as non-Muslims are being persecuted in Muslim lands. Some simple examples: 1. No more mosques in the West, until there is a church in Mecca. 2. No freedom to wear Muslim clothing in the West, until all women have the freedom to wear whatever they want in Mecca. 3. No more funding of Islamic education and proselytizing in the West, until all faiths are free to establish schools, libraries and missions in Mecca. 4. No foot baths for Muslims, until there are holy water dispensers for Christians in Mecca. etc. We all know whatĆ¢€™s going on in Mecca. Christians, Jews and other faiths are barred entry in a form of Islamic apartheid. In Mecca, churches are illegal. The Bible and the cross are illegal. Priests are illegal. Preaching Christianity and other faiths is punishable by imprisonment, torture and death. Converting to Christianity or another faith is punishable by imprisonment, torture and death. In short, the heartland of Islam is one of the most appalling hellholes of religious intolerance in the world today. Yet Muslims have the gall to demand footbaths and other frivolous perks in our lands. The hypocrisy reeks like a sewer. ItĆ¢€™s obscene, and even the most unconcerned layman can immediately perceive the unfairness. Muslims are only concerned for freedom when they are on the receiving end. This is my proposal: We in the anti-Jihad movement should adopt the principle of Ć¢€ÅLinkageĆ¢€ as a war cry. We should repeat it like a broken record. Advocate it relentlessly on blogs and in street demonstrations. Distribute flyers. Pressure politicians. Run television ads. Make it into T-shirts and hats and coffee mugs. Glue posters to walls with really stubborn glue. DEMAND fairness! The principle of linkage is already making inroads. Last year, the Russians demanded a quid pro quo from the Saudis: A Saudi Mosque in Moscow in Exchange for a Russian Church in Mecca? The king of Saudi Arabia has announced that he is ready to support the construction of a mosque and Islamic cultural center in Moscow, a city with only four mosques for its more than two million Muslims. In response and probably to block this, Orthodox Christians in Russia have called for opening a church in Saudi Arabia. After the Saudi offer was reported, three Russian Orthodox groups Ć¢€” the Moscow section of the Union of Orthodox Citizens, the Radonezh Society, and the Byzantine Club Ć¢€” released an open letter to Saudi King Abdullah suggesting that there should be another mosque in Moscow only after a Russian Orthodox church was opened in Mecca. Jean-Louis Cardinal Toran, the head of the Papal Council on Inter-religious Dialogue, agrees: If Muslims consider it correct to have a large and beautiful mosque in Rome, then it is equally correct for Christians to have a church in Riyadh. Alison Ruoff, a prominent evangelical member of the Church of EnglandĆ¢€™s General Synod, has applied linkage: Mrs Ruoff, a former magistrate, said in an interview with LondonĆ¢€™s Premier Christian Radio that no more mosques should be built in Britain until all persecution of Christians in Muslim nations had ceased. The British writer Adrian Morgan raises the same point: Yet when one sees the number of mosques being erected in Britain, often with money from Saudi Arabia, I wonder why no Far Left individual raises the question of hypocrisy. Saudi Arabia funds the export of Islam around the world (even to Nepal), yet prevents any Bibles from being brought into their kingdom. No churches are allowed to be built in Saudi Arabia, and migrant workers who hold unofficial Christian services have been jailed. Similarly in Pakistan, Christians are a minority group, yet they are persecuted mercilessly. In Malaysia, no one is allowed to leave Islam and Buddhists, Hindus and Christians are legally defined as second-class citizens, and yet Malaysia regards itself as upholding a Ć¢€ÅcivilizationalĆ¢€ form of Islam. The principle of linkage is gaining momentum. With the help of everyone in the Counterjihad community, we can broaden it into an avalanche.
Ramadan - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
no linkage needed!!!!!!!!!!!!! but I can't see this question lasting long
2 :
Sounds like a reasonable fair exchange.
3 :
Whether linkage is gaining momentum or not but this is the second time around that the Swiss showed their ugly side to the World, all that talk of neutrality obviously had angles in hindsight. The issue of whether minarets are representative of Islam is besides the point. The issue is, it was perceived by those who voted against it. Lets not forget in all this that 43% voted in favor. The arguments will only become valid if the Western nations open their markets to the third world, security council and the non proliferation structure lose its veto by the West and China. And the Western countries agree to pay environmental tax to the poor and developing countries. To demand social equality from the comfort of "closed door" policies is the worse type of hypocrisy. At the same time, let it be a warning to us that one of the most contentious aspect of the so called Muslim dress code, Niqab was successfully deployed as instrument of publicity to drum up support against the building of minarets. Instead of appeasing the sect centric Mullahs. it is about time we face up to the reality that the stereotype of a Muslim is well and stubbornly in place, Hijab for women and beards for men. Unlike conventional stereotypes, this is is a gift from us to "them". Instead of concentrating on the Hijab and beard if we were to emulate the best example of the Prophet Pbuh as per the advice of God Himself, we would do much better in promoting our religion and way of life. We should focus more on God, the Day of Judgment and remembrance of God as the verse Quran 33:21 clearly spells out and not twist it to mean physical appearance or worse. Once we are able to place the verses in context and act them out, then the qualities of true Momins, the qualities of truthfulness, humbleness, generosity and courage for the right reasons will shine through. We must not spend our time forever explaining away why we look the way we look but to use the opportunity to attract people to Islam by who we are and not how we look.
4 :
Hypocrites can't handle the truth. This is a well spoken, honest, logical, well written piece of writing.
5 :
Let me ask you - does Saudi Arabia or any of the Islamic Countries permit the Muslims from other lands to immigrate there? No. Don't take my word for it, check it out. Even a baby born in these countries doesn't have the Right for Naturalization. Then, on what basis do the Muslims assume they have the Rights here? Except for the fact that our Liberals are foolishly hoping to build their Vote Banks with these immigrants at our cost, there's no logic in our allowing these people to come here. Most of them have no skills, no education and are coming here for the dole and benefits, because our Liberals are "wise" enough to give them all that at our cost. Why are we allowing the Liberals and their PC Brigades to do this to us? Let's first get rid of these unscrupulous Politicians from our midst and let the Conservative take care of the Muslims and resolve this issue. No amount of our saying anything else is worth our doing this, now. This BS about the Muslims need to be educated and helped has gone on for long enough. Send all the Muslims to their precious Islamic Countries and the problem will resolve on it's own. The Muslims will make a mess of their economies and fight and kill each other there. All the richest Islamic Countries will go broke if they have to take the burden of their Muslims. Not to mention, they'll find out, first hand, what it's like for them to have to host such people. Serve them jolly well right, if you ask me.
6 :
LOL. Please submit this paper to your faculty. Nowadays faculty routinely check papers on the web for plagiarism and it will make smile when you are dismissed from university for your plagiarism of copyrighted works by Baron Bodissey and Adrian Morgan.
7 :
since Saudis do not allow non muslims to live in Saudi Arabia what is the point in building a church? i understand if there were a community of Christians living there just as there are communities of muslims living in switzerland and Russia otherwise i really don't see the point in building one! If you don't LIKE THE ACTIONS OF THE MIDDLE EAST WHY ACT SO HYPOCRITICAL by deciding to act like them by oppressing muslims in the West? why should they be oppressed for the actions of other islamic governments? where is the freedom and justice in this? why should they suffer for others actions?What is wrong in Saudi giving and donating money for building mosques? you wouldn't mind if Israel were giving money for jewish communities to build their synagogues would you lol!?!?! its all just bloody hypocrisy. i think it's disgusting that you have the nerve to talk about non muslims being persecuted in Arabia and yet you feel it would be ideal and necessary to persecute muslims in the West to prove a point, surely this goes against your own moral beliefs?
8 :
Why neglect to mention that the Middle Eastern countries' laws are based on the Islaamic religion, and the American laws formed by the founding fathers were based on the idea that all religions would be granted freedom? This is why there is no double standard; the Constitution promises religious freedom, Shari'ah does not. Islaamic countries are under no obligation to allow the building of churches and the likes.
9 :
peace upon you noise is not faith pan minarats does not effect truth faith [silly move] there are 2000 years old Churches in the heart of the Holy Land, even after the killining of 1million Muslims at hand of crusaders Omar blessed, the 2nd Khalifa while freeing Jerusalem was invited to take the city key from the Bishops, while he was in the Church, afternoon prayer time came. he was asked the Bishops to pray in the Church, he gently refused saying: "may be fanatics might turn it into a mosque. he walked out and prayed in the out door, this spot became= Omar's mosque. we do not ask to build mosque in the Vatican which we respect as holy Chirstian shrine. as for Churches in Saudi Arabia= there is in Provence of Najran= where there is Christians from before Islam era. there are no Christians in Rhyadh, but, there are Muslims in Europe: == This article deals with the history and evolution of the Islamic religion in Europe. According to the German Central Institute Islam Archive, the total number of Muslims in Europe in 2007 was about 53 million, including 16 million in the European "2. No freedom to wear Muslim clothing in the West, until all women have the freedom to wear whatever they want in Mecca." all three religions used to wear head cover= men and women: Genesis 24:65 and asked the servant, "Who is that man in the field coming to meet us?" "He is my master," the servant answered. So she took her veil and covered herself. [in Europe, up until WW2, veil was worn by Jews and Christians][you can see that in war documentaries] "3. No more funding of Islamic education and proselytizing in the West, until all faiths are free to establish schools, libraries and missions in Mecca." Mecca is place of pure faith zone, Christians became slaves to the Romans through Paul who created fake teachings, and Constantine who destroyed some Gospels that show the lies of Paul. To suggest, as some historians (and many others with axes to grind) have done, that Constantine rescued the Christian church from persecution is fantasy. Christians had enjoyed complete tolerance in the Roman Empire from 260-302. More importantly, Christians were persecuted by the regime that Constantine constructed. we, Muslims are the ONLY still followers of the prophets. you are senselessly attacking decency for no logical reason
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
i wanna leave my country?
i wanna leave my country?
well hi everyone my name is shoag i'm almost 17 years old..I'm muslim from saudi arabia.. & I want to leave my country, but there's Money problems :/ i never had a job can't find a job for girls here xD No money to travel anywhere. so its really hard to leave without money i did some research about how much the ticket cost from saudi to spain & its about 3000 S.R for One person!! i wanna leave with my family, its a big family even if had a job maybe i'll make 500 S.R so its kinda hard for me to leave >< i'm not asking for money or anything. i need ideas to make money this summer. this's what i can do : i can draw,wash,clean. -.- i'm like really Frustrating and Depressed i just wanna leave & change my Routine. thanks :)
Other - Destinations - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
best way to earn so much money not only you but whole of your family should find job and save money every month.why not trying ane after another.its better you go first and then start calling one after of luck dear friend.but sorry what ever your country is you are the people of it.don't hate the country or leave forever.
well hi everyone my name is shoag i'm almost 17 years old..I'm muslim from saudi arabia.. & I want to leave my country, but there's Money problems :/ i never had a job can't find a job for girls here xD No money to travel anywhere. so its really hard to leave without money i did some research about how much the ticket cost from saudi to spain & its about 3000 S.R for One person!! i wanna leave with my family, its a big family even if had a job maybe i'll make 500 S.R so its kinda hard for me to leave >< i'm not asking for money or anything. i need ideas to make money this summer. this's what i can do : i can draw,wash,clean. -.- i'm like really Frustrating and Depressed i just wanna leave & change my Routine. thanks :)
Other - Destinations - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
best way to earn so much money not only you but whole of your family should find job and save money every month.why not trying ane after another.its better you go first and then start calling one after of luck dear friend.but sorry what ever your country is you are the people of it.don't hate the country or leave forever.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Would it be Fair to Make the Mosque Promoters Post an Insurance Bond?
Would it be Fair to Make the Mosque Promoters Post an Insurance Bond?
This would be an insurance forfeiture bond in case the mosque was a source of massive damage to New York City or the people there from Explosion or from Toxic or Radioactive materials of any kind. The insurance bond would be paid for out of the charitable donations that support the Mosque's creation and development. In that part of town, within very close blast range of 25 Federal agencies, two stock exchanges, and two major telecom hubs (one of which handles inter-regional bank check clearances), a bond that included consequential damages, pain and sufferring, loss of life, and loss of commercial use would run at least $500 Billion. So, it could cost $50 Million a year to maintain unless the full sum were put up in cash upfront. This would not be a problem for the muslim world. They get $50 million in oil money from us every week. It would be very helpful to victims of this project if there are any. Keep in mind that no recovery of any kind was ever made from any muslim nations, especially Saudi Arabia, for the massive destruction that occurred on 9/11. It being so difficult to recover money from overseas sources after the fact of harm being done, perhaps a bond posted upfront from those overseas sources who will be funding this mosque would be appropriate. Why should American taxpayers have to pick up the tab -- again? We may or may not be able to stop our politicians from doing astonishingly improvident things, but insurance could buffer USA from some small part of the potential consequences of poor decision making by highly confused persons. What do you think. That's my question. Would it be fair to have a bond be posted? My critics so far miss the point. Different automobiles cost different amounts to insure. Same with planes, boats, amusement parks, skating rinks. Premiums are individually related to the risk posed -- it's not one size fits all. Is there a risk that is special to this situation? Well, some muslims do tend to blow things up. To deny that is too absurd even for my opponents, so I assume they accept that simple reality. We have absolutely no way of knowing which muslims may or may not be using or not using the Cordoba House if it is built. Could be just peaceful muslims. Could be terrorist muslims. Could be folks from Hamas there to assemble a nuclear device so that Dr. Ahmedinejad can make good on his threats. We don't know! What do people do when they don't know about a risk? They get insurance. This is not an idea I'm inventing and bringing to you for the first time (like people up in the hollers that have never seen a chair before). This is reason! To: "Common Sense" (ha) The Equal Protection Clause does NOT require that all organizations or building plans be treated equally. It requires only that similarly situated ones be treated equally. So all other religious community centers from religions that claim almost all of the world's terrorists over the past 30 years would have to post a bond. Any of these that were located in extremely high rent areas that are vital to the national security, would have to post a $500 Billion bond. See that's treating everybody equally. Oh oh -- you say there are no other religions that claim almost every terrorist on Earth for the past 30 years? The Buddhists can't say that, nor can the Unitarians, or the B'ahai's or the Shintos. Well this would not be the first time that an insurance premium was tailored to the risk.
Insurance - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's fair only if every other church in the United States had to post a similar bond just in case they were blown much would it cost to insure St. Peter's in NYC for the same amount - I am sure the Vatican has that amount of money just sitting around...what about the National Cathedral in DC or any of the churches near the White House or the Capitol...they could be used in similar fashion. You mistakenly equate the building of a Mosque with the actions of a minority of Muslims. I could do the same and point to the violence in Northern Ireland in clashes between Catholics and Protestants and the various IRA bombings in London. Finally, you could not require them to take out the insurance as there is a Constitutional right to separation between church and state and in this instance, you would be singling out one church.
2 :
its not a mosque, but a community center with a prayer room, like the jewish and catholic ones already in nyc. are you going to require them to post a bond as well?
3 :
That's ridiculous. First, it would violate the Equal Protection clause of the Constitution, as no other church or synagogue must post a bond like that. Second, any building like that would have insurance anyway. And who is "they" getting 50 million a week? Not the ones building this project. You just hate Muslims. I don't like it either, but they have the same rights as everyone else.
4 :
Community Centers qualify for matching funds, I don't want to provide them for any. Liability Insurance is required for many collectives already so , Yes they should be required a Construction Bond & Liability Insurance as well as being denied any US taxpayer funds. ALL of Them not just this Mosque.
5 :
Not fair, because you're singling out one religion. Not possible because: 1. BUILDINGS don't cause massive damage, explosions, toxins, or radiation - those are all caused by people building the buildings, or supplying the materials, or behaving badly. 2. NO insurance is going to cover toxins or radiation. It's a standard exclusion, across the board. 3. A "bond" doesn't work that way. A bond is a three party agreement, with the obligee being the entity that gets paid, the insurance company doing the paying, and the obligor the one who's behavior is guaranteed by the bond. You're talking about insurance, not a bond. 4. Americans pick up the tab, because we vote in politicians that LOVE to spend our money. We ARE able to stop our politicians from behaving badly. Most of us can't be bothered, as indicated by voter turnout polls. 5. Yes, of course there's risk! Islam is absolutely the MOST VIOLENT religion in the world, and the history of the world! Know how the last muslim invasion of Europe was stopped? THE CRUSADES. But here in the USA, my relatives and ancestors have DIED to protect the right of every single person here in this country to worship - or not worship - exactly as they please. 6. I think you're missing one very, very vital point . . . which insurance company would WANT to "insure" a group of muslims funded by terrorist backing organizations, with pro-terrorist spokespersons, against terroristic acts? None I can think of. So it's a moot point. Don't get me wrong. I think the "park 51" location for a mosque is in extremely poor taste. And it boggles my mind, how people can claim that the site is not ground zero. Because it's occupied by a building, which was hit by a plane, flown by a terrorist, on September 11, 2001. Must be some new definition of 'ground zero'.
6 :
I think we should make any Germans moving into the region post a bond too. There are millions of Jews in New York City, and you know what might happens if you let Germans to close to Jews. . . .. OK, I admit that is a dumb thing to say. But no more dumb than your proposal.
This would be an insurance forfeiture bond in case the mosque was a source of massive damage to New York City or the people there from Explosion or from Toxic or Radioactive materials of any kind. The insurance bond would be paid for out of the charitable donations that support the Mosque's creation and development. In that part of town, within very close blast range of 25 Federal agencies, two stock exchanges, and two major telecom hubs (one of which handles inter-regional bank check clearances), a bond that included consequential damages, pain and sufferring, loss of life, and loss of commercial use would run at least $500 Billion. So, it could cost $50 Million a year to maintain unless the full sum were put up in cash upfront. This would not be a problem for the muslim world. They get $50 million in oil money from us every week. It would be very helpful to victims of this project if there are any. Keep in mind that no recovery of any kind was ever made from any muslim nations, especially Saudi Arabia, for the massive destruction that occurred on 9/11. It being so difficult to recover money from overseas sources after the fact of harm being done, perhaps a bond posted upfront from those overseas sources who will be funding this mosque would be appropriate. Why should American taxpayers have to pick up the tab -- again? We may or may not be able to stop our politicians from doing astonishingly improvident things, but insurance could buffer USA from some small part of the potential consequences of poor decision making by highly confused persons. What do you think. That's my question. Would it be fair to have a bond be posted? My critics so far miss the point. Different automobiles cost different amounts to insure. Same with planes, boats, amusement parks, skating rinks. Premiums are individually related to the risk posed -- it's not one size fits all. Is there a risk that is special to this situation? Well, some muslims do tend to blow things up. To deny that is too absurd even for my opponents, so I assume they accept that simple reality. We have absolutely no way of knowing which muslims may or may not be using or not using the Cordoba House if it is built. Could be just peaceful muslims. Could be terrorist muslims. Could be folks from Hamas there to assemble a nuclear device so that Dr. Ahmedinejad can make good on his threats. We don't know! What do people do when they don't know about a risk? They get insurance. This is not an idea I'm inventing and bringing to you for the first time (like people up in the hollers that have never seen a chair before). This is reason! To: "Common Sense" (ha) The Equal Protection Clause does NOT require that all organizations or building plans be treated equally. It requires only that similarly situated ones be treated equally. So all other religious community centers from religions that claim almost all of the world's terrorists over the past 30 years would have to post a bond. Any of these that were located in extremely high rent areas that are vital to the national security, would have to post a $500 Billion bond. See that's treating everybody equally. Oh oh -- you say there are no other religions that claim almost every terrorist on Earth for the past 30 years? The Buddhists can't say that, nor can the Unitarians, or the B'ahai's or the Shintos. Well this would not be the first time that an insurance premium was tailored to the risk.
Insurance - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's fair only if every other church in the United States had to post a similar bond just in case they were blown much would it cost to insure St. Peter's in NYC for the same amount - I am sure the Vatican has that amount of money just sitting around...what about the National Cathedral in DC or any of the churches near the White House or the Capitol...they could be used in similar fashion. You mistakenly equate the building of a Mosque with the actions of a minority of Muslims. I could do the same and point to the violence in Northern Ireland in clashes between Catholics and Protestants and the various IRA bombings in London. Finally, you could not require them to take out the insurance as there is a Constitutional right to separation between church and state and in this instance, you would be singling out one church.
2 :
its not a mosque, but a community center with a prayer room, like the jewish and catholic ones already in nyc. are you going to require them to post a bond as well?
3 :
That's ridiculous. First, it would violate the Equal Protection clause of the Constitution, as no other church or synagogue must post a bond like that. Second, any building like that would have insurance anyway. And who is "they" getting 50 million a week? Not the ones building this project. You just hate Muslims. I don't like it either, but they have the same rights as everyone else.
4 :
Community Centers qualify for matching funds, I don't want to provide them for any. Liability Insurance is required for many collectives already so , Yes they should be required a Construction Bond & Liability Insurance as well as being denied any US taxpayer funds. ALL of Them not just this Mosque.
5 :
Not fair, because you're singling out one religion. Not possible because: 1. BUILDINGS don't cause massive damage, explosions, toxins, or radiation - those are all caused by people building the buildings, or supplying the materials, or behaving badly. 2. NO insurance is going to cover toxins or radiation. It's a standard exclusion, across the board. 3. A "bond" doesn't work that way. A bond is a three party agreement, with the obligee being the entity that gets paid, the insurance company doing the paying, and the obligor the one who's behavior is guaranteed by the bond. You're talking about insurance, not a bond. 4. Americans pick up the tab, because we vote in politicians that LOVE to spend our money. We ARE able to stop our politicians from behaving badly. Most of us can't be bothered, as indicated by voter turnout polls. 5. Yes, of course there's risk! Islam is absolutely the MOST VIOLENT religion in the world, and the history of the world! Know how the last muslim invasion of Europe was stopped? THE CRUSADES. But here in the USA, my relatives and ancestors have DIED to protect the right of every single person here in this country to worship - or not worship - exactly as they please. 6. I think you're missing one very, very vital point . . . which insurance company would WANT to "insure" a group of muslims funded by terrorist backing organizations, with pro-terrorist spokespersons, against terroristic acts? None I can think of. So it's a moot point. Don't get me wrong. I think the "park 51" location for a mosque is in extremely poor taste. And it boggles my mind, how people can claim that the site is not ground zero. Because it's occupied by a building, which was hit by a plane, flown by a terrorist, on September 11, 2001. Must be some new definition of 'ground zero'.
6 :
I think we should make any Germans moving into the region post a bond too. There are millions of Jews in New York City, and you know what might happens if you let Germans to close to Jews. . . .. OK, I admit that is a dumb thing to say. But no more dumb than your proposal.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Oh YES this swine flu is an act of terrorism, why blow us up when they can use germs and now it is spreading?
Oh YES this swine flu is an act of terrorism, why blow us up when they can use germs and now it is spreading?
Is the swine flu an act of terrorism by one of the horrid groups out there. People have said that it is not, but I do not believe it because even a suicide bomber dies when he blows up, so what easier way to take out people than to spread that swine flu. They have the bomb now, they have the technology WE gave them, so why not wipe everyone out. Haven't heard of a case of this in Saudi Arabia or Iraq? Mexico, New York and California are states that make money and what better place than to spread thru vacation country to us? Need answers NOW!
Current Events - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I believe it is more possible than it happening accidentally.. This virus also seems to complicated to have happened accidentally.. & yes they would never tell you..
2 :
Of course it is Just like it was terrorism in the 1700's, and the other times way back in history when one plague or another killed thousands. Why on earth does some people's minds go into this area when anything comes up that is a little unexpected. How very sad that so many live their lives in fear, fear of anything. You have a problem, and I sincerely suggest that you do something about it before it completely takes over your life and you live in fear and terror for the rest of your days.
3 :
No. Hard to say what you are more misinformed about, terrorism or biology. First of all, terrorist groups have clear goals regarding their local situation, and their attacks reflect that. What would be the purpose of starting a disease that was going to spread world wide, and possibly mutate into something even more dangerous? Especially since the death rate would be far higher in the undeveloped parts of the world where most terrorist groups are found. "They want to kill us all" is propaganda. Secondly, there is no way on Earth that insurgents hiding in a cave somewhere could manufacture something as mind numbingly complex as a flu virus. It would require a world class research facility, which would be incredibly expensive and basically impossible to even build in the parts of the world where terrorist groups are based. Lastly, even if a government did plan on using bioterrorism, the flu is about the last virus they would choose. Why would you choose a weapon that's going to kill our people just as surely as it kills anyone else, and again, especially a weapon that might very well mutate into something even more dangerous in the field? A weapon which is more than likely to kill your researchers and escape into your own population before you can use it? Nope, this is a natural occurrence. In fact Mexico City is where one would expect something like this to arise, high population density including people living in close proximity with animals in unsanitary ways. It's a flu factory, plain and simple. And it spread to the US first because the US is next to Mexico and has a huge amount of cross border travel.
4 :
Its not terrorists. It's some dick that genetically spliced the three DNA's viruses (i mean come on, 3 different swine viruses from 3 different continents just happened to mix?) and then he let it loose on Mexico (probably to test it). Later on whoever created it is probably going to release it in a more important area, create a cure, and then sell the cure for billions of dollars. The reason the virus hasn't spread in the mideast is the same reason it hasn't spread anywhere else, people around there just haven't brought it back to the country...
5 :
If the swine fly has anything to do with being man made.. then it was made from the BIG 3. So you will get their flu shots and then get sick with side effects and pay them more $$ in their hospitals. Ignore the media... it is fear and control.
6 :
You just answered your own question. There is no doubt that I believe that this is an act of terrorism.Think about it, avian flu, s.a.r.s. ebola virus, hell, even a.i.d.s. This may be the new 9/11,but I digress.
Is the swine flu an act of terrorism by one of the horrid groups out there. People have said that it is not, but I do not believe it because even a suicide bomber dies when he blows up, so what easier way to take out people than to spread that swine flu. They have the bomb now, they have the technology WE gave them, so why not wipe everyone out. Haven't heard of a case of this in Saudi Arabia or Iraq? Mexico, New York and California are states that make money and what better place than to spread thru vacation country to us? Need answers NOW!
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1 :
I believe it is more possible than it happening accidentally.. This virus also seems to complicated to have happened accidentally.. & yes they would never tell you..
2 :
Of course it is Just like it was terrorism in the 1700's, and the other times way back in history when one plague or another killed thousands. Why on earth does some people's minds go into this area when anything comes up that is a little unexpected. How very sad that so many live their lives in fear, fear of anything. You have a problem, and I sincerely suggest that you do something about it before it completely takes over your life and you live in fear and terror for the rest of your days.
3 :
No. Hard to say what you are more misinformed about, terrorism or biology. First of all, terrorist groups have clear goals regarding their local situation, and their attacks reflect that. What would be the purpose of starting a disease that was going to spread world wide, and possibly mutate into something even more dangerous? Especially since the death rate would be far higher in the undeveloped parts of the world where most terrorist groups are found. "They want to kill us all" is propaganda. Secondly, there is no way on Earth that insurgents hiding in a cave somewhere could manufacture something as mind numbingly complex as a flu virus. It would require a world class research facility, which would be incredibly expensive and basically impossible to even build in the parts of the world where terrorist groups are based. Lastly, even if a government did plan on using bioterrorism, the flu is about the last virus they would choose. Why would you choose a weapon that's going to kill our people just as surely as it kills anyone else, and again, especially a weapon that might very well mutate into something even more dangerous in the field? A weapon which is more than likely to kill your researchers and escape into your own population before you can use it? Nope, this is a natural occurrence. In fact Mexico City is where one would expect something like this to arise, high population density including people living in close proximity with animals in unsanitary ways. It's a flu factory, plain and simple. And it spread to the US first because the US is next to Mexico and has a huge amount of cross border travel.
4 :
Its not terrorists. It's some dick that genetically spliced the three DNA's viruses (i mean come on, 3 different swine viruses from 3 different continents just happened to mix?) and then he let it loose on Mexico (probably to test it). Later on whoever created it is probably going to release it in a more important area, create a cure, and then sell the cure for billions of dollars. The reason the virus hasn't spread in the mideast is the same reason it hasn't spread anywhere else, people around there just haven't brought it back to the country...
5 :
If the swine fly has anything to do with being man made.. then it was made from the BIG 3. So you will get their flu shots and then get sick with side effects and pay them more $$ in their hospitals. Ignore the media... it is fear and control.
6 :
You just answered your own question. There is no doubt that I believe that this is an act of terrorism.Think about it, avian flu, s.a.r.s. ebola virus, hell, even a.i.d.s. This may be the new 9/11,but I digress.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
What do you think of this reasoning for US being in Iraq and Afghanistan?
What do you think of this reasoning for US being in Iraq and Afghanistan?
The reasons the United states is in Afghanistan and the reasons they are in Iraq are two different stories. The US made a deal with Saudi Arabia, before, when they had become the most powerful oil country in the world, this is sometimes referred to as "The money laundering affair". The US got Saudi oil and Saudi Arabia got preference in international issues and even financial aid for financing Al Quida for their Afghan war against the Soviets. In turn for oil, the US turned their head and pretended not to know about all the horrible stuff the house of Saud was doing and terrorism they were financing. Later on, the US came to realize that Iraq has got an even larger oil reserve! So since US needs oil they tried to make a similar deal with Saddam like the one made during the Saudi money laundering affair. Since Saddam would not comply with US demands, the US had to find a reason to invade and get what they wanted by force. So the US decided to go and "free the Iraqi people from Saddam" and end his terroristic and cruel practices. While these are in fact, some would say, good enough reasons to invade, they were not the "real reasons". And so now the US is doing some good and trying to help the Iraqi people get back up on their feet and make their new government (one that will comply with US demands). In Afghanistan, the US is fighting the terrorism at the "source". They are going in and attacking the Taliban and trying to destroy them before they do even more horrible terroristic acts against innocent Americans and innocent people in other countries. At least that is what they say they are doing there, but you never know if there is, in fact, a different, "real" reason, that they are their, like there is in Iraq.
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1 :
i like what you said i do know for a fact that the u.s invaded iraq for the oil and cuz saddam didnt like them they invaded the country but the thing about al saud im not really sure of however well said steven lol
The reasons the United states is in Afghanistan and the reasons they are in Iraq are two different stories. The US made a deal with Saudi Arabia, before, when they had become the most powerful oil country in the world, this is sometimes referred to as "The money laundering affair". The US got Saudi oil and Saudi Arabia got preference in international issues and even financial aid for financing Al Quida for their Afghan war against the Soviets. In turn for oil, the US turned their head and pretended not to know about all the horrible stuff the house of Saud was doing and terrorism they were financing. Later on, the US came to realize that Iraq has got an even larger oil reserve! So since US needs oil they tried to make a similar deal with Saddam like the one made during the Saudi money laundering affair. Since Saddam would not comply with US demands, the US had to find a reason to invade and get what they wanted by force. So the US decided to go and "free the Iraqi people from Saddam" and end his terroristic and cruel practices. While these are in fact, some would say, good enough reasons to invade, they were not the "real reasons". And so now the US is doing some good and trying to help the Iraqi people get back up on their feet and make their new government (one that will comply with US demands). In Afghanistan, the US is fighting the terrorism at the "source". They are going in and attacking the Taliban and trying to destroy them before they do even more horrible terroristic acts against innocent Americans and innocent people in other countries. At least that is what they say they are doing there, but you never know if there is, in fact, a different, "real" reason, that they are their, like there is in Iraq.
Current Events - 1 Answers
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1 :
i like what you said i do know for a fact that the u.s invaded iraq for the oil and cuz saddam didnt like them they invaded the country but the thing about al saud im not really sure of however well said steven lol
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