Saturday, September 7, 2013

What do you think of this reasoning for US being in Iraq and Afghanistan?

What do you think of this reasoning for US being in Iraq and Afghanistan?
The reasons the United states is in Afghanistan and the reasons they are in Iraq are two different stories. The US made a deal with Saudi Arabia, before, when they had become the most powerful oil country in the world, this is sometimes referred to as "The money laundering affair". The US got Saudi oil and Saudi Arabia got preference in international issues and even financial aid for financing Al Quida for their Afghan war against the Soviets. In turn for oil, the US turned their head and pretended not to know about all the horrible stuff the house of Saud was doing and terrorism they were financing. Later on, the US came to realize that Iraq has got an even larger oil reserve! So since US needs oil they tried to make a similar deal with Saddam like the one made during the Saudi money laundering affair. Since Saddam would not comply with US demands, the US had to find a reason to invade and get what they wanted by force. So the US decided to go and "free the Iraqi people from Saddam" and end his terroristic and cruel practices. While these are in fact, some would say, good enough reasons to invade, they were not the "real reasons". And so now the US is doing some good and trying to help the Iraqi people get back up on their feet and make their new government (one that will comply with US demands). In Afghanistan, the US is fighting the terrorism at the "source". They are going in and attacking the Taliban and trying to destroy them before they do even more horrible terroristic acts against innocent Americans and innocent people in other countries. At least that is what they say they are doing there, but you never know if there is, in fact, a different, "real" reason, that they are their, like there is in Iraq.
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1 :
i like what you said i do know for a fact that the u.s invaded iraq for the oil and cuz saddam didnt like them they invaded the country but the thing about al saud im not really sure of however well said steven lol