Does Saudi Arabia pay more to American doctors than others?
I mean will an MD get more money than an MBBS? And do doctors make a lot of money in Saudi Arabia; and will a Pakistani, US educated, specialized MD female get discriminated there as I have heard that there is racism in Saudi Arabia? It would be really helpful if you can find the pay scale of a Hematologist/Oncologist MD in Saudi Arabia as I could not. Thanks! Voice, thanks for an honest response.
Ramadan - 1 Answers
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Saudi Arabia is the most hypocritical, self-righteous, arrogant nation there is. Trust me, I've lived there for a year, and I know from first-hand experience. I can almost assure you you'll face discrimination in some stripe or another. Especially if you're Pakistani, and female. Edit: Before I get thumbed down for dishing out the truth, readers should know about how so many Saudi families enslave Indonesian house maids, and how so many Saudi businesses enslave workers from Bangladesh/India by deceiving them.