Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I know about a cover up of a serious case of swine flu in the UK. How do I tell the press?

I know about a cover up of a serious case of swine flu in the UK. How do I tell the press?
My uncle works at the boarding school where the outbreak's happened. It's an international school with rich kids from places like Saudi Arabia, India, China and Japan. For a few months now the school has housed 20+ cases, (students and teachers), of confirmed swine flu. The heads of departments who aren't sick, including my uncle, have decided to hush the whole thing up so they can continue receiving fees until the summer holidays. Because of this, parents have already begun flying their sick kids back home, unaware that they could be introducing swine flu into their countries. The sick people at the school are being treated by nurses who have been paid to keep the outbreak quiet. I've left the details out for obvious reasons, but I know the name and location of the school, and some rough details of the timeline of the outbreak. The only problem is, I have no evidence, apart from my mum, great aunt, and grandmother's testimony. They heard this from my uncle first hand. Do I have enough to tell the press? I don't mean the tabloid media, I mean the proper newspapers. I don't want to make any money, I'm just scared about what will happen if nobody finds out about this. If someone dies I don't want that on my conscience. But I mean, how do you actually tell the press something? Do you just ring up the newspaper or something? Plus, I'm only 17, does that mean I'll need an adult to back me up?
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no adult needed: they hate the government: theyll spread it, but youll need alot of evidence