Sunday, August 7, 2011

for gods sake, PEOPLE!! whats up with these fake make money online sites?where i can find a real one?

for gods sake, PEOPLE!! whats up with these fake make money online sites?where i can find a real one?
i really need money .but i dont know how to reveice (well, first i dunno how to make it online) i mean im from Saudi arabia can i open a payment online account ? IM Desperate for money. and oh i do have a job dont tell me to get one
Computer Networking - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
They are all spam sites and plz dont screw up your bank account by revelaing it to these sites over the internet.
2 :
Hi :) there are many ways to make money online but since you're limited at start (i guess you don't have credit card you can use for domain and hosting purchase) i recommend you to start with free hosted blogs and Google AdSense combination. Both are free and Google will send you cheques, you only need to work hard and to cash cheques when they arrive in local bank. I am in online business since december 2004 and i started web site week ago that will help newbies to make money online. It's not fake info, it's all what i have done to make money, and most important you'll never be asked to pay for anything or to register on site. It will not be any "WOW make 1 000 000 in a month new technique", but rather just collection of things i used and i'm still using.
3 :
It's very confusing to know that something is possible and yet the path is not so clear. I'm sure you know that money can be made online...but not how. At Free Bits we show you how it's done. All for FREE. Visit us at: Cheers !
4 :
You could try the My Game Space program. They pay by Paypal if that's what you need. When someone buys a game after visiting a free web page you set up using their tools, or one of your links, you earn 25% of the purchase price. (About $5.00) The company remembers you referred that person and you get 25% of their future purchases, too. I'm using it myself to make money online, so if you have any questions about getting started feel free to email me for help.
5 :
Here is a great business where you can work anywhere in the world - I will even show you how to get started and make what I made last month - let me know - Thanks