Sunday, August 14, 2011

Any information about Saudi Arabia?

Any information about Saudi Arabia?
I need information about saudi arabia for a project. I need to know the population, about famous people, wars, and how people make money, find food, and what their main jobs are. I can't find any of this stuff. THANKS SO MUCH!
Saudi Arabia - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Saudi Arabia (officially Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) is the largest Arab country of the Middle East. It is bordered by Jordan and Iraq on the north and northeast, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates on the east, Oman on the southeast, and Yemen on the south. The Persian Gulf lies to the northeast and the Red Sea to its west. It has an estimated population of 28 million, and its size is approximately 2,149,690 square kilometres (830,000 sq mi). EDIT: tim m: Algeria, Libya, etc. are not arab countries they are part of Africa the only African country that might be considered Arab is Egypt! You can read more at wikipedia:
2 : by the way , the answerer says Saudi is largest in size of Arab countries, that is not correct , look at Sudan and Algeria.
3 :
people make money like anyone else in the world.. we are a modern country and we do the exact same things anyone else does. Doctor, lawyer, businessmen, salesman, dentist, clerk, accountant, teacher, banker, janitor, farmer, laborer, construction, etc etc.. We are no different in the jobs we do than anyone in USA would.. We flip burgers at McDonalds all the way up to Chief Executive officer of a corporation.. We find food at our grocery store which is a full on hyper market rivaling any market in USA in the western world.. We import food stuffs from Europe, USA, Australia, Germany, the East Asian markets.. If its purchaseable and allowed to be eaten here by Islam standards (ie: no pork, alcohol etc) then we import it to our groceries.... Our children eat fruit loops and captain crunch cereal just like any western kid does.. WE have huge shopping malls with all major Western and eastern clothing lines in it. sorry we arent a backwards desert people that spin the cotton into thread and sew our garments and live off roots and whatever we scavanage out of the dirt.. We live just like anyone else.. We drive our normal chevy cars, we drink Pepsi and Coke like the rest of the world..
4 :
I disagree that saudi is like any other place - mintee is painting just the urban picture. saudis have their own distinct culture and people who are v fascinating. not many people know about this but the country has some pretty interesting places. Maidan Saleh is the extension of the famous Petra in Jordon, Nabtean ruins which are in realy good shape. Taif and its rose gardens are beautiful and you can get your own personal bottle of rose attar when you go there... hoffuf is the biggest oasis in the world... end of the world crater - prob made by a meteorite is simply vast - the grand canyon of the middle east - no kiding... rub al khali is the famous empty quarter - miles and miles of desert where you can meet the Real arabs, the bedouins... what else? Abha is a beautiul little sea resort... these are saudi's well kept secrets!!! i didnt know about these when I had come in to saudi either. recently I have been on a mission to find out more about this country since we shal be leaving next year - so this info is the result of some of that nosing out!!:)
5 :
its very hot in here