Friday, March 28, 2014

should foreigners be allowed to influenced our federal elections?

should foreigners be allowed to influenced our federal elections?
In January 2010, five Republicans on the Supreme Court gave foreign corporations a Constitutional right to buy Congress and our next President. If foreign corporations want to buy our elections publicly, they can simply create U.S. subsidiaries. If they want to buy our elections secretly, they can launder their money through the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which aggressively raises foreign money, or through Karl Rove's secretive American Crossroads GPS, both of which are spending millions in this year's elections. That means foreign leaders like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, Hu Jintao of China, and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia can use their enormous wealth to steal millions of American jobs, keep us dependent on foreign oil and even make us fight their wars.
Civic Participation - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
That's easy: no. But as you've so eloquently demonstrated, quite the opposite is the case. I just heard something on NPR this morning about Rove's group, which has paid for ads against Barbara Boxer that contain one lie after another.
2 :
No, that's not really democratic at all.
3 :
no, of course not. even US corporations should be limited to the contributions of an individual person (if they are allowed to make any contributions)
4 :
You are all foreigners anyway so what difference does it make?
5 :
Yes and this happens with BOTH parties. Saudi King Abdullah is one of Obama's largest supporters. I often think we are being used as mercenaries for the Saudi King's agenda hence the war in Iraq and now Afghanistan, possibly soon Iran and god forbid against Israel. Saudi King's nephew is being groomed to become the governor of Lebanon and Lebanon would like nothing better than to annex Israel (and Iran). BTW King Abdullah is on the G7 Banking Cartel. Which brings us to who owns GE now, and who actually owns all the media. Let me find you a little clip from an old movie which was actually warning of this, and we are now seeing the results of allowing it to happen.
6 :
Yes. Mexicans should decide in America, Israelis should decide in Mexico, Iranians should decide in Israel, and Russians in Iran.
7 :
Israel has done it for years and continues today