Friday, June 7, 2013

now that these terrorists are our enemies we don't ask Saudi Arabia to inform them that Allah didn't....?

now that these terrorists are our enemies we don't ask Saudi Arabia to inform them that Allah didn't....?
defeat soviet union but their money and the support of USA and its allies did the job!! why saudis and USA don't tell them on how they were used and manipulated in order to make the rich richer, and that communism would have disturbed that goal and etc! tell them the truth! they were and still are under assumption that Allah did it . that is what USA wanted them to think! right? it wouldn't hurt us much if we really want to defeat these terrorists but it sure will get the air out of these terrorists! let them know about your brainwashing techniques!
Politics - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Watch who's name you take in vain, you may be targeted for explosion. You do point out the obvious.
2 :
Ya u right...... I am all the way with u..... But u didn't tell us who do u mean with "us" ??!!