Wednesday, September 14, 2011

do u know how can i buy royal jelly and bee products imported from Saudi Arabia?

do u know how can i buy royal jelly and bee products imported from Saudi Arabia?
I live in Egypt..i can't travel to Saudi Arabia for the time being..if u know someone trustworthy who can send me the items to Egypt 'n i'll send money through any money transfer service,i'll b grateful..just make sure it's original any links to trusted online-shopping sites will b welcomed..thanks!
Saudi Arabia - 1 Answers
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1 :
whats wrong with your own countries honey? although im saudi.. I have noticed a difference in a countries honey.. I like yemen honey and iranian honey.. those are the ones I use.. honey reflects the tastes of the region it comes from.. bees that are around more green and flowers, the honey tastes sweeter.. SaudiARabia is such a desert country with rocks and scrub brush, our honey isnt the sweetest.. thats why I prefer yemen or iranian honey, they have more regions with green pastures and flowers.. but its up to you.. im certain egypt has wonderful regions along the nile that produces very good quality honey..