Saturday, June 7, 2014

What would happen if the oil in the Middle East finishes?

What would happen if the oil in the Middle East finishes?
Most Middle Eastern countries do not have taxes because the government is already making money by selling oil. When the US starts using its oil, will it become tax-free? What about terrorism? do you think the rate will go up or down? would the world go into wars with countries like Saudi Arabia? (assuming that they are not at war now because Saudi is the main exporter of oil and without it's oil.. well, no one would be getting around) Note: I asked this question in Politics & Government > Other - Politics & Government, but I didnt get a lot of answers so I ask here again jdlaplant: No, I am not American. I'm actually Arabic and I want to know what other people think. And technically speaking, Saudi Arabia's oil may not finish soon.. or it might not even finish for a long time. But it WILL finish. My question is: what will happen then? jeepndd: Not really. I dont know if the US has more oil reserves than the entire Middle East.. But they're smart not to be using it. Because the oil in the Middle East WILL finish, and when it does, guess who will be making all the money that the Arabs are getting now? Mr. Bitter: Saudi will never go back to the Dark Age, because it has a HUGE Muslim attraction...
Current Events - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I concern about when Israelis bombers fly high, my gas price goes high.
2 :
it sure would be quiet ,,almost like 9-11 when all air traffic was grounded
3 :
Obsession with the Middle East would decrease.
4 :
The world would not be so terrified to call the Islamic world on their blatant disregard for human rights and common decency.
5 :
Well by the time it runs out we will be totally dependant on renewable Fuel, like water or corn or even solar power.
6 :
i think america would still have taxes. they might decrease but it is another way our government can make money. it would also be better if we had our own oil because then america wouldn't be so dependent.
7 :
Googleje: Dude, I have to know if you are American. Your an idiot but I still have to know. Oil will never dry up in the middle east.
8 :
we would just find another country to exploit...
9 :
We could ignore all the Madness and cruelty of the region just like we do with all those African atrocities. Saudi Arabia could go broke and return to the Dark Age style tribal warfare it was in before British geologists found oil there in 1930's. The only downside is that without oil our entire modern civilization grinds to a halt.
10 :
Even if it ever did dry up the US has more oil reserves than the entire Middle East. It's simply maddening that we don't take advantage of it.